Recap: Devilish Joy Episode 1
Blame this on my uncurable love of Choi Jin Hyuk. We don’t normally do recaps here at DramaCurrent, but since “Devilish Joy” was picked up by Dramax and not one of the major stations, I knew that it would not receive the recapping love from the other major bloggers. And I just couldn’t let that happen. Well, there was nothing else to be done. I would have to recap this one myself.
But I will leave it up to you whether I keep going. Comment below if you would like me to continue recapping “Devilish Joy.” Recapping is a lot of work, so I will need a lot of encouragement (and maybe some wine) if I’m going to keep going.
I present for your drama loving pleasure the first recap of “Devilish Joy” — for the love of Choi Jin Hyuk.
Devilish Joy: Episode 1
We open on the bustling sights of Hainan, China. A news reporter in voiceover announces that famed Korean neurosurgeon Gong Ma Sung was included in this year’s list of 10 most influential men. As the reporter talks, we see Gong Ma Sung(Choi Jin Hyuk) looking like a magazine cover as he drives along the Chinese coastline. As he drives, a colleague calls him to ask if he will still attend their opening ceremony in Korea tomorrow. Ma Sung agrees but says he must meet someone before he can leave.
Meanwhile, another newscaster tells us that the famous actress “Joy” Joo Gi Bbeum(Song Ha Yoon) has arrived in Hainan for filming. As she speaks, the screen flits between various commercials of Gi Bbeum. (Gah, she is stunning.)
Although all seems professional on-screen, behind the scenes Gi Bbeum’s entire team is trying to calm down the commercial’s director. Apparently, he had envisioned Gi Bbeum in a water scene, but she refuses to go in. One pigtailed female team member tells him it is because Gi Bbeum almost drowned as a child. (Ah, childhood trauma. Every drama has to have at least one.) But before things become more heated, she asks if she can try one more time to convince the temperamental starlet.
Inside her dressing room, Gi Bbeum is unpersuaded and pouting. If her manager keeps asking her to do things like this she won’t renew her contract. Miss Pigtail assistant relents and heads off to tell the director. Understandably, the director is livid and takes off in a huff. Gi Bbeum’s manager too is livid and demands that Joy be brought from her room at once.
Back inside the dressing room, Gi Bbeum walks in circles and whines aloud about a man named “Min Joong” who she is being forced to do a shoot with this evening. All the while Miss Pigtails follows her around trying to fasten her dress with binder clips. When Gi Bbeum realizes what the woman is doing she complains. But Miss Pigtails reminds her that she has lost so much weight recently that she has to tighten the dress somehow. (How is this a good solution? Those binder clips are enormous!)
Meanwhile Gi Bbeum’s manager and the detested Min Joong meet in a suspiciously isolated place. Min Joong looks cocky as he reminds the manager to be sure for “them” to make time for him tonight. The manager nods and warns him not to make any rumors. (Yeah, that isn’t suspicious at all.)
Cut back to Ma Sung on the phone in his car. This time he is speaking with a woman and trying to confirm their meeting today. The woman apologetically admits “Miss Kent” will be running late.
Now outside, Gi Bbeum and her team members stand idly waiting for their next shoot. Unfortunately, they receive word that the person they are waiting on is lost, and one team member heads off to find him. In the same moment Miss Pigtails realizes she forgot to bring the makeup box and heads off to get it. Both attendants now gone, the beautiful, binder clipped Gi Bbeum is left standing alone in a foreign country.
Naturally, she doesn’t stay put like a sensible person and starts wandering around looking at the architecture around her. (Actually, I don’t blame her. Man, this city is beautiful!) All the while she mutters about her stomach hurting.
At the same moment she steps in front of a large tower we see Gong Ma Sung also step in front of the same tower. They each stand picturesquely and admire the building. (Could this be fate I see?)
A few steps further and Gi Bbeum’s stomach problems are really becoming a problem. Gripping her stomach she begins madly searching for a bathroom.
Finally she locates a restaurant that is open, but a waiter is standing guard at the front. She tries to explain that she needs to borrow their bathroom, but her English is not up to the challenge and she hops around while stammering random words; “Toilet.” “One, please.”
The waiter tries to explain that the restroom is for customers only, but Gi Bbeum can’t understand him. “You don’t know me?” She asks before breaking into one of her more famous songs. By now the waiter is really confused. “You know me?” She yells, “You know Joy? Joy? J-O-Y.” As it happens, Ma Sung has been sitting outside at the same restaurant waiting for his contact, “Joy Kent.” He hears the name “Joy” and immediately assumes Gi Bbeum is the woman he is waiting for. (Coincidence much?)
With a look of relief, Gi Bbeum recognizes that Ma Sung is Korean and comes running over to him. “You know me don’t you?” She asks eagerly.
“Well, I guess you could say that,” he laughs. Gi Bbeum tries to explain her ‘urgent need’ and asks if he will buy her something to drink so she can get inside the restaurant. Confused, he agrees to buy it for her. But before Gi Bbeum can return to tell the waiter Ma Sung calls her back. First she must sign the paper he has for her. Gi Bbeum assumes he is an eager fan and gives him her sweeping signature across the page. But, of course, Ma Sung has no interest in her autograph and was trying to get her to sign a contract.
Seeing her scribble wildly across his clean contract, Gong Ma Sung becomes alarmed. “What is this?” He demands. Again Gi Bbeum misunderstands, thinking he wants her to personalize the autograph. She asks for his name. “Gong Ma Sung” he replies in confusion. “To Gong Ma Sung” she adds to the top of the contract.
By now, Ma Sung has figured out something is not right. “HEY! This is the contract for the Global Research Consortium!”
“The what?” Gi Bbeum asks while grabbing her stomach and jumping up and down.
“Are you really Joy Kent?” He finally asks the important question.
“Who’s that?” Gi Bbeum says with increasing desperation. Ma Sung is furious and demands how she intends to take responsibility for ruining his contract, but Gi Bbeum’s “issue” sends her flying off to the bathroom before they can finish talking.
Thankfully the real Joy Kent shows up and signs the contract. She is very forgiving of the scribbles and the deal goes down without any problems.
Just then Gi Bbeum reemerges and flops down on at different table. The stoic waiter delivers a large mango juice to her table, pointing at Ma Sung as the buyer. However, she is completely mortified and, instead of drinking the juice, flees the cafe.
A short way from the cafe Gi Bbeum realizes she is being followed by a group of ruff-looking men. She dashes into an alley but they follow her and block her path. (And why did she think an alley was a good hiding place? She may be cute, but a genius she is not.) The men jokingly ask in Chinese if she would like to have some “fun” with them. Just then Ma Sung walks past the alleyway and notices what is going on.
“Daddy!” Gi Bbeum yells to the heavens while covering her ears in fear.
“Yes, Daddy’s here,” Ma Sung says nonchalantly and strolls through them and up to her. With a lot more concern in his voice he whispers in Gi Bbeum’s ear “On the count of three RUN. One, two…” and off they go. Hand-in-hand they race through back alleys, upstairs, and into a dark building the group of thugs in pursuit.
After first tucking Gi Bbeum into a corner, Ma Sung turns to face the thugs. The image blurs as he tears through them fists and feet flying. With the bad men neutralized, he again grabs Gi Bbeum’s hand and races out into the alleyways.
Assured they are safe, Ma Sung stops mid way through the alley. However, Gi Bbeum is terrified and opening Ma Sung’s jacket buries her face in his shirt front. Ma Sung is both startled and overwhelmed by her closeness. “Can you get out of there?” He asks timidly. But Gi Bbeum is clueless and burrows deeper shrieking “Why, Why? Have we been caught?”
Completely disarmed by her cuteness, Ma Sung jokes. “I think there are even more men around us now.” Gi Bbeum responds by shrieking and submerging her face deeper into his jacket. “Don’t leave me!” She begs. “Promise me, promise me!” She pleads with big doe eyes. (The little hops she does there are just the cutest thing ever.)
By now Ma Sung is completely won over, and promises to stay with her. (Aw, can we say deeper meaning?) However he can’t stop himself from laughing which finally causes Gi Bbeum to look around the side of his jacket. Observing the definite absence of all thuglife, Gi Bbeum questions him, “Was that a joke?” But instead of replying, Ma Sung again asks if she would mind exiting his jacket. She immediately jumps back embarrassed.
After readjusting his jacket, Ma Sung notices that Gi Bbeum has lost one shoe. He leads the way out of the alley and to his car. As it happens he has a pair of tennis shoes in his trunk which he lends to her — although they are massive on her feet. Meanwhile Gi Bbeum has been trying to call her staff on Ma Sung’s phone, but they aren’t picking up. It seems that they turned off their phone for the shoot. (Really? These guys are searching high and low for this girl and they didn’t think to take their phones off vibrate in case she called?)
Giant shoes on her feet, Gi Bbeum begins listing off the things she is thankful to Ma Sung for. She is obviously trying to say ‘good bye,’ but Ma Sung is concerned she may still needs his help. After reassuring him that she will be fine, Gi Bbeum shuffles off. But Ma Sung calls her back asking if she has any money. Of course, she doesn’t. Does she have a phone? Also, no. In the same moment Ma Sung asks if she would like his help and she asks for his help. They laugh.
The pair begin a search through the various hotels in Hainan to find where she is staying. Ma Sung strolls along easily, but Gi Bbeum is flapping, flailing, and falling behind him in her too big shoes.
Their search is unsuccessful. None of the hotels have rooms listed in Gi Bbeum’s name, (Duh. What manager would book his super famous star into a hotel under her OWN name?) and by the last hotel Gi Bbeum is exhausted. By the time Ma Sung gets done asking the front desk, she has fallen asleep on a lobby couch.
For a while Ma Sung sweetly watches her sleep, and then frowns as he notices a scratch on her knee where she fell in his shoes. A few moments later he wakes her up with a brand new pair of red high heels. (Best alarm clock ever!) She is delighted and thanks him for “the gift.” But Ma Sung jokingly assures her they are not a gift. He expects to be repaid when they find her group. “Since I’m already borrowing money from you,” Gi Bbeum asks, “can you buy me an ice cream too, please?” Ma Sung wonders at her shamelessness and heads off to buy ice cream.
A moment later Gi Bbeum sits beside the hotel pool happily eating ice cream and kicking her feet to admire her new shoes. While she does, Ma Sung is on the phone with his assistant asking her to cancel his flight for this evening. He considers changing it to a later time, but in the end decides to simply cancel it completely. (Aw, he doesn’t want to leave her.)
Once he is off the phone, Gi Bbeum asks if he canceled his flight because of her. He admits he did. Coyly she suggests that he doesn’t have to feel such a responsibility to her, since they just met. Unexpectedly Ma Sung agrees, says good-bye, and turns to leave. This naturally gets the response he wanted and Gi Bbeum goes chasing after him. “Hold on! You still need to get reimbursed for your money. I’m not one to leave my debts unpaid.” She asks his bank number or his phone number to reach him. (Yeah, we all know what you really wanted, Gi Bbeum — the hot guy’s phone number.)
But before he can respond, two children come running past them and bang into Gi Bbeum. Ma Sung reaches to grab her but looses his balance too, and they both fall into the pool. Underwater, Gi Bbeum begins to panic and passes out. Thankfully, Ma Sung pulls her to the surface.
Kneeling beside the pool, Ma Sung tries to wake Gi Bbeum. Thankfully, she coughs and opens her eyes. “Am I alive?” She asks. (This scene is entirely missing the “kiss of life.” Boo.) Instead of being happy however, Gi Bbeum begins crying like a small child. “I’m so scared of water,” she wails. Ma Sung’s face grows deeply serious as he holds her reassuringly. “Don’t worry,” he tells her, “I won’t leave you alone.”
A little later they walk out of the hotel. Ma Sung has given Gi Bbeum his coat to wear and it too is massive on her small frame. Ma Sung can’t help himself from laughing at how silly she looks. Walking up behind her, he wraps his around her and he pulls her sleeves up. She is flustered at his closeness, which he makes fun of, but diffuses the moment by thanking him again for his help today.
He continues to joke that he only helped her because she is famous, and that he is going to ask for a lot of money in return. She juts up her chin insisting that she is very capable and he can ask for a lot. Slightly more serious, he warns that he will ask for a lot [of something.] She is undeterred and tells him to go ahead. “Really?” He says sweetly. “Could you give me your heart?” (fangirls wildly)
At his confession Gi Bbeum hesitates causing Ma Sung to question whether his price was too high. But shyly Gi Bbeum reassures him it wasn’t. For a split they stand there uneasily and let the cuteness ooze all over the place.
Suddenly Ma Sung notices a flower growing beside where they’re standing. He recalls the hairy looking flower from a beachside trip he took as a child. Gi Bbeum kneels to admire the blossoms while Ma Sung pulls out a business card and begins to draw the flower. “What is the meaning of the flower?” Gi Bbeum asks. Ma Sung tells her it represents memories. They agree it is a fitting flower for their day.
Gi Bbeum returns to her feet and takes off Ma Sung’s coat to return to him. However, her shirt has not dried and is clinging to her bosoms for all the world to see. Ma Sung chuckles awkwardly and suggests she really should keep that jacket on. For a while they joke together playfully, Gi Bbeum embarrassed and Ma Sung laughing at her reactions.
Back at Ma Sung’s car, they again try searching for Gi Bbeum’s team members. Gi Bbeum assures him that she doesn’t remember anything about where they were. But in the next instance, when she catches a glimpse of her team, she grabs Ma Sung’s hand and takes off in the opposite direction.
Just as they begin running away an ominous man in black appears, lifts a phone to his ear and tells someone he’s “found the target.” (I’m sorry, the TARGET? When did this become a thriller? Who’s the target?)
Ma Sung and Gi Bbeum finally stop running when they reach a group of street performers. He asks her if they ran away because she saw the thugs again. But she confesses it was because she saw her group and didn’t want to be separated from him just yet, especially without having his phone number. Ma Sung laughs and reminds her that she called her cell from his phone earlier. At this they both laugh and the cuteness overflows.
The music gives Gi Bbeum an idea and she asks Ma Sung who his favorite singer is? He supposes that it is Karen Carpenter. Gi Bbeum can’t let this be, however, and threatens to make him her fan in only three songs. Cut to Gi Bbeum joining the performers for several sweet songs and Ma Sung looking like a man transfixed.
Some time later the sun has set and Ma Sung and Gi Bbeum slowly make their way up a set of stone stairs. They look relaxed and comfortable beside each other. They are discussing whether her performance converted him into her fan. But Ma Sung has a better idea, “Couldn’t I be your boyfriend?” In Gi Bbeum’s moment of hesitation, he leans in for a kiss. And then another still deeper one.
Mid-kiss they hear Gi Bbeum’s team calling for her. (Ooph, I feel bad for her staff now.) Ma Sung reminds her that she can call him when they get back to Korea, but Gi Bbeum wants to meet again tonight. They agree to meet up in an hour and she heads off.
While waiting for her return, Ma Sung takes time to snap a photo of the stone stairs. He again looks at the drawing of the Memory Flower on the business card, and then heads into a nearby tattoo parlor. The artist tattoos the flower onto Ma Sung’s hand.
While waiting, Ma Sung overhears Gi Bbeum’s manager and Min Joong. Apparently their devious plan is to drug and rape Gi Bbeum that evening. Ma Sung follows the two dirtbags outside as Gi Bbeum arrives for their meeting at the stone stairs.
Just as Ma Sung follows dirtbags manager and Min Joong across the street a massive truck (of doom) comes out of no where and crashes into him. Ma Sung is left writhing on the ground in a pool of his own blood while the townspeople watch in curiosity (Does no one ever think to help in these moments?) while poor Gi Bbeum sits alone on the stairs.
Later that evening the dirtbags follow their plan. Gi Bbeum has a ruffied drink with Min Joong and then they carry her off to a hotel room. (Oh no! Please no!) But the plan doesn’t go exactly like Min Joong had thought it would. In the next scene we see Min Joong dead on the hotel room floor and Gi Bbeum slowly coming to consciousness while a policeman stands over.
Time jump three years to present day.
Ma Sung stands solemnly in his doctor’s office. Following the accident three years ago he has received treatment for damage to his brain, but the treatments aren’t working. He is only getting worse. The diagnosis is Cinderella Amnesia, a condition where every morning he forgets the previous day.
We see snippets of what Ma Sung has to do to live. He stands in the mirror writing notes to himself on his chest; he labels each outfit and food with a day of the week; one wall in his house he covers in sticky notes to remind him of his memories he is slowly loosing. (I’m not crying. You are.) and every night he faithfully writes in his journal what happened that day.
Ma Sung sits in his home office reading over his schedule for the day when the phone rings. It is his chauffeur reminding him that he was supposed to be at a meeting with his Aunts and Uncles. Ma Sung is startled. His yesterday self had forgotten to tell him.
In the car on the way to the meeting, Ma Sung chats with his chauffeur. The driver is annoyed that Ma Sung had not written down what he told him to remember. Suddenly the driver asks if he can borrow 3 million won from Ma Sung, all the while thinking to himself that Ma Sung will forget he lent it and he will never have to return the money. Ma Sung agrees, observing sadly how some people take advantage of his mind.
Arriving at the hospital where he works, Ma Sung speaks with his doctor colleague from the beginning of the episode. Ma Sung wants to start work again on the Healing Village he had planned 3 years ago. To his friend’s delight, Ma Sung declares it is about time.
More than just his work has changed since his accident, Ma Sung observes. We see him at a table with his aunt and other female relatives. Most of them remark that he should start dating, but his aunt reminds them firmly of how much responsibility love has and how Ma Sung’s own father’s carelessness caused his wife’s death. (Ooph, that is one intense chip on her shoulder.)
Next we see Ma Sung panicking when a floodlight outside his house suddenly comes on. He gasps as his mind flashes back to a childhood accident. “I have become alone and pathetic.” He laments in voice over. “To me, love is tragedy.”
Flash back to the doctor’s office, his doctor friend asks if he still can’t remember the day of the accident. “Nothing at all.” Ma Sung tells him sadly and stares at the tattoo of the memory flower on his hand.
Jump to the airport
Sung Ki Joon(Hoya) has just arrived back in Korea. Two of his friends arrive to greet him, but X wonders why they didn’t notify all his fans. His friend shakes his head. “The way you act you’d think you were an actual celebrity,” he tells him. In response X goes around the airport asking people if they want his autograph. (Bwahaha!)
Ki Joon gives Ma Sung a call to see if he can meet for dinner that night, but Ma Sung warns him to call his parents and let them know he is back and hangs up on him. Just then a text arrives on Ma Sung’s phone. The board is meeting about the children’s rehabilitation facility deficit. (The who, the what now? This is the first time we’ve heard about this.)
Meanwhile, Ki Joon arrives at an upscale salon and asks if they have an opening for him. The girl behind the desk insists they do not, but Ki Joon namedrops his connection to Sunwoo Group and suddenly she finds an opening. Moments later Ki Joon is sitting in a salon chair wearing a shower cap (Bwahaha!) while the salon staff try to explain to the irate film star Lee Ha Im(Lee Joo Yeon) why her appointment was taken by someone else.
Suddenly one of the salon customers slams her magazine closed. It is Ma Sung’s aunt (Ki Joon’s mom.) Commanding the offending starlet be brought over to her, Auntie smacks her on both cheeks and commands her to apologize to the salon staff. Lee Ha Im apologizes tearfully and hurriedly leaves.
At the sound of his mother popping the starlet, Ki Joon wakes up in his chair. He spies his mother in the chair next to him just as she dials him on the phone and clumsily tries to avoid her notice. (I love that his name for her in his phone is “Queen Mother” — the same title princes during the Joseon period called their mothers.)
At Sea:
Out at sea on a boat, Gi Bbeum has exchange her starlet glamour for fisherman gear. She waves at the camera and tries to seems bouncy and exuberant as she exclaims how wonderful the fishing season for spiny red gurnards has been. “Kiss the fish” her cameraman tells her and she reluctantly, but willingly, does.
Suddenly the cameraman calls “cut.” “Are you looking down on our internet viewers?” he asks. When Gi Bbeum vehemently denies this, he suggests she do something more eye-catching for his audience and swallow the fish whole. Astoundingly, Gi Bbeum agrees to his ridiculous request and films herself swallowing the entire fish whole. (That is way too gross. I am not a fan of this jerk cameraman.) As soon as the cameras stop rolling Gi Bbeum begins to gag and cough violently.
Back on shore, the fisherman whose boat they filmed on gives Gi Bbeum a bag of the red fish. Gi Bbeum is ecstatic at her reward. Jerk cameraman gives her all the boxes and bags to carry and they walk away to their car. (Wait, are we going to completely ignore that the girl who was deathly afraid of water was just out at sea??? I need answers.)
Back in the hospital boardroom, Ma Sung listens as a boardmember for the hospital explains why the children’s rehab center needs to be sold and the money reinvested. But Ma Sung cuts him off mid speech. He asks him how much the children’s center could be sold for. When the boardmember’s answer doesn’t satisy him, he instead proposes they focus on raising the salaries of the hospital staff and on raising the quality of care. His Aunt, the hospital director, agrees and the decision stands. (I’m starting to think Ma Sung is not very popular with his board.)
Meanwhile, Gi Bbeum kneels beside the road coughing and coughing. Something seems to be stuck in her throat. (I’m not surprised. The fish she swallowed was huge.) Jerk cameraman comes over to her and offers her a talisman. He tells her that if she will burn it, put it in her water to drink, and dance a special dance, it will get rid of the bone stuck in her throat and her three years of bad luck. Gi Bbeum doesn’t believe him at first, but after a quick internet search decides he might be telling the truth. Gentlemanlike, Jerk cameraman walks away to give her room to use the talisman.
However, he wasn’t being a gentleman at all. Rather, he walked away so he could secretly film her making a fool of herself. Gi Bbeum finally spies him filming her and angrily lunges at him.
Back in the car jerk cameraman promises Gi Bbeum that he deleted the footage. But Gi Bbeum is still coughing realy hard. Cut to the hospital and a doctor pulling fish bones out of her throat.
At the same hospital, a business manager tries to convince Ma Sung to participate in an advertising photo shoot for the hospital which he has planned. But Ma Sung is not interested, admitting that cameras scare him, and forcefully tells him he will not participate. But it is no use, the manager tells him, the camera people are already here. Undeterred, Ma Sung tells him that he will send them away himself.
Back downstairs, Gi Bbeum and jerk cameraman are walking down the hospital hallway together. Jerk cameraman decides he needs to run to the bathroom and hands Gi Bbeum his camera to hold in addition to the gear she already was carrying for him.
Taking the opportunity, Gi Bbeum sits down to check whether he really deleted the camera footage of her and the talisman — which of course he didn’t. But she doesn’t understand how to use the camera and accidentally activates the flash just as Ma Sung walks by. Misunderstanding, Ma Sung furiously screams at her “What do you think you are doing?!” At the sound of his voice, Gi Bbeum looks up and immediately recognizes her lover.
Well, if that wasn’t the cutest first half ever! I loved the way the writer set up their relationship so we can see right away how wonderful Gi Bbeum and Ma Sung will be together in the end. So many times dramas start after the accident has already happened, but getting to see their interactions before really made it easy to root for them as a couple.
Which made that second half way more painful. I know we were supposed to expect the truck of doom (Ma Sung’s accident is the basis of the entire story,) but it still startled the heck out of me. I’m not convinced that that truck was an accident either. Watching the fight Ma Sung had with the boardmember later, I wonder if maybe he was attacked on purpose. Afterall, we did see the dangerous looking guy in black following them. He could have been keeping tabs on Gi Bbeum for the dirtbags, but I think it is more likely he was following Ma Sung.
There was a lot to take in in the second half but what struck me the most was the transformation of the leads. For example, Ma Sung lost his playful, protective self and became rigid, angry, and depressed.
Also, he has become, as he describes it, “pathetic.” It’s not surpring that his brain has associated bright lights with danger, but it is interesting is that it connects the lights to a childhood trauma and not his recent accident. Since his brain can’t create new memories, it is as if it has locked him in his old ones.
But Ma Sung’s change isn’t really so surprising, considering the struggle he has had with his new condition. Gi Bbeum’s transformation on the other hand is entirely of her own making. I couldn’t be more proud of how this starlet has adapted to her new situation. So many times we see stars in dramas struggle to cope with the slightest inconvenience, but not this girl. She has thrown herself into her new life and is making it work at any cost. What strength of will and character that must take from her.
I’m excited to see how the writer builds on this story. She has already done an excellent job of getting me to cheer for our couple and I am counting on boatloads more adorable. Keep bringing the cute moments, and I’ll be there.
I will definitely be watching the rest of “Devilish Joy.” How about you? What are your thoughts on this episode? Would you like us to recap more episodes?
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Thanks. Your recaps make me relive the episodes. Good story n acting.
Drama Unni
Thank you Ida! That is the nicest thing to say. We are loving this drama too. Hope you enjoy the rest of the recaps.
Recap please continue.
Drama Unni
Thank you for the encouragement, Glory! Because of you we did.
thanks for recapping this drama. your recap is what got me started watching it, and i am now hooked on the show. Am glad to know you will recap the all of Devilish Joy!
Drama Unni
Thank you, damsie! Your comment has given me so much joy.
how did min joong die
Drama Unni
We are still waiting to find out. It is part of why Gi Bbeum’s situation is so infuriating; she is being blamed for something even she doesn’t understand.
Barbara YAng
Thank for the recap! I’m loving this show and have discovered CJH as new favorite leading man. Please keep up the recaps!!!
Hello, I’m Reiko.
Wow! First, I have to commend you in your brilliant writing and synopsis storyline to this drama. Also, in your parenthesis to each scene, I found myself laughing at some, since I also felt the exact same responses too. lol
I only started watching Ep 1 so far from today (02/24/19). I stumbled across this one while watching a different kdrama, and was curious on this one so I decided to watch at least one episode of ‘Devilish Joy’. Now I’m hooked and want to continue! lol (even though I still hadn’t finished watching the other one I’m currently watching)
I guess even more so I became hooked because I’m a HUGE Choi Jin-hyuk fan and think he’s super HOT, handsome, and oh-so-sexy!

Not to mention, a fantastic actor to boot.
I also found him surprisingly frank and honest with his fans, esp. in his Vlive videos online. He’s not afraid to ‘tell things like it is’ to them, incl. his feelings in regards to K-Pop, etc. lol I love that his personality/character is like that, actually. It’s a breath of fresh air for once compared to a lot of K-Pop idols who don’t have the courage to say things like that toward their own fans.
Can’t wait to continue watching this drama as well as reading all of your synopsis’s in your blog here. Thank you for your hard work in writing such a detailed synopsis and personal thoughts for each episode!