Announcing our “Terius Behind Me” Live TwitterChat
Big news, KDrama Family! DramaCurrent is partnering with KDrama blogger Drama Milk and YouTube vloggers TheKThree for an exclusive live Twitter chat party of the “Terius Behind Me” premiere…and you are invited! Join us on Twitter September 27 at 9:30pm CST #Teriuslivechat as we laugh, cry, and celebrate the return of the great So Ji Sub.
Not sure what a Twitterchat is or how to join? Not a problem! Read below for more details.
What Is a Twitter chat?
A Twitter chat is kind of like a conversation between everyone in the world. Each chat uses a specific hashtag, ours is #Teriuslivechat, so that participants can follow along on what everyone else is tweeting. Anything “Terius Behind Me” goes!
How Do I Join the Terius Behind Me Twitter Chat?
Step 1: At 9:30PM hit play along with us on the first episode of “Terius Behind Me” on Dramafever. We will be tweeting from our three Twitter accounts, as well as live on YouTube.
Step 2: Join in by either replying within our threads, creating a new tweet using #Teriuslivechat, retweeting with #Teriuslivechat or replying on the live YouTube video. Don’t forget on Twitter to use our hashtag so that your comments will go into the general chat.
We also recommend following our Twitter/YouTube accounts, so that you don’t miss out on any comments:
DramaCurrent: https://twitter.com/DramaCurrent
Drama Milk: https://twitter.com/dramamilk_
TheKThree: https://twitter.com/TheKThree
TheKThree on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/TheKThree
Tip: Want an easier way to keep up with our Twitterchat? Follow our hastag on http://tweetchat.com/room/TeriusLiveChat
We can’t wait to share our love of all things So Ji Sub with our Twitter family. Tweet you then!
Save the Date! September 27 at 9:30PM CST