KDrama Club: The Smile Has Left Your Eyes
Welcome to our weekly KDrama Club Meeting! It’s a KDrama-style whisper the password, give the secret handshake, fangirling club. Just like a book club, everyone is encouraged to freely join in with their thoughts and ideas. This week we are discussing Seo In Guk and Jung So Min’s recent KDrama “The Smile Has Left Your Eyes.” (or “Hundred Million Stars Fall from the Sky.” Whatever.)
If this is your first time to DramaCurrent’s KDrama Club, welcome! Just like a book club, in the KDrama Club everyone is encouraged to freely join in with their thoughts and ideas. If you love talking about Seo In Guk, Jung So Min, Park Sung Woong, The Smile Has Left Your Eyes, or our favorite topic…Korean Dramas! then you are right at home.
How to participate in the “The Smile Has Left Your Eyes” Club:
Step 1. Take a look at the list of questions below. If one, some, or all spark your interest then…
Step 2: Pop down to the comments section and leave your response. (Please include the question number so we know which question you are answering.)
Step 3 (optional): We’d love it if you’d choose to respond to other fans’ comments. This is the perfect place to have meaningful KDrama conversations…or just fangirl like crazy. Either way, please remember to “choose kind” when you respond.
Bonus: If you have a comment about “The Smile Has Left Your Eyes” that isn’t an answer to one of our questions, please feel free to say it anyway. Think of our questions as conversation starters, not limiters.
Let the commenting games begin!
Warning: Spoilers are not only rampant, but they are encouraged. We want this to be a free, open chat where you can feel safe talking about any part of the drama.
Discussion Questions for “The Smile Has Left Your Eyes”
Click to jump to my response or the comments section
- How did you like “The Smile Has Left Your Eyes?”
- What do you think attracted Jin Kang and Moo Young to each other?
- Which scene(s) stood out as your favorite(s)?
- Why do you think Yoo Jin Kook hated Moo Young so much?
- Was Moo Young a monster? Why or why not?
- What did you think of how “The Smile Has Left Your Eyes ended?
1. How did you like “The Smile Has Left Your Eyes?”
DramaCurrent Unni’s Comment:
I definitely liked “The Smile Has Left Your Eyes,” and it would have been a “love” if I hadn’t turned into a blubbering mess watching the final episode.
First, the pacing was consistent (I kept looking for places to skip ahead, so I could be ready in time for the KDrama Club, and there just weren’t many.) The suspense they built was relentless too. There were so many times that I just wanted to wring a character’s neck and yell at him to just spill it already. (ie. Did we have to have a cryptic conversation between Yoo Jin Kook and Miss Tak every episode???)
But the best part of the drama was really the chemistry between the leads. Their performances elevated the drama from entertainment to art.
2. What do you think attracted Jin Kang and Moo Young to each other?
DramaCurrent Unni’s Comment:
Coming Soon
3. Which scene(s) stood out as your favorite(s)?
DramaCurrent Unni’s Comment:
In most dramas “favorite scenes” pop up at least once or twice an episode, but this drama was very different. For “The Smile Has Left Your Eyes” it was so much about special scenes as a torrent of suspense and emotions, so when we did really have a fun or beautiful scene it shone like a diamond.
And they were always between Jin Kang and Moo Young. Seo In Guk and Jung So Min’s chemistry was beyond masterful. I loved how comfortable they seemed together. Watching Jung So Min snuggle in his arms, it looked as though she really was as blissful as a woman in love. Or seeing Seo In Guk’s laughter and unreserved kisses, it seemed he really was that happy.
Basically, name any time they held or smiled at each other, and that was one of my favorites.
4. Why do you think Yoo Jin Kook hated Moo Young so much?
DramaCurrent Unni’s Comment:
This question plagued me through the entire drama. Why did Jin Kook hate Moo Young so savagely? Was it that he was a reminder of his wrongs? Was it that he believed Moo Young’s father’s bloodlust was genetic? Was it that he really believed Moo Young was a killer?
I don’t think I really came up with a complete answer to this one. Perhaps you can help me with this one.
5. Was Moo Young a monster? Why or why not?
DramaCurrent Unni’s Comment:
Poor Moo Young. To Yoo Jin Kook he was a reminder of past sins, to the doctor a phenomenon to be observed, to the witch Noona a plaything, to his various girlfriends an object to fill their emptiness, but to no one was he human except Jin Kang.
Although Yoo Jin Kook was convinced Moo Young was a devil, I think the opposite was true. Moo Young never intended to be a monster. Both times he behaved badly, first with Yoo Mi and then with Seung Ah, it began by wanting to help them. He saw hurting, oppressed women and wanted to give them their freedom. Did he make bad choices? Ho boy, yeah! But his intentions were not originally bad, contrary to what even he thought.
Then too, he always said that he couldn’t be hurt. (and I think that believing that gave him a kind of insulation from reality. If he believed couldn’t be hurt than nothing would really mean anything to him, and then he wouldn’t be hurt.) But we saw that filter erase when he stood before his parents memorial, and realize for the first time that he was truly alone. No one was coming for him. He had been abandoned after all. It was the first time he allowed himself to feel the pain, and with it came an honesty. (It was after that he told Jin Kang he wanted to be reborn.)
6. What did you think of how “The Smile Has Left Your Eyes” ended?
DramaCurrent Unni’s Comment:
I rank this drama right up there with Scarlett Heart: Ryeo for heartwrenching endings. (Actually, I was holding up pretty well until Yoo Jin Kook started sobbing uncontrollably and then I TOTALLY lost it. Wahh!!)
Looking beyond the gritty poetry of them dying in the same room it all began in, Jin Kang and Moo Young’s ending was sad for many reasons. First, because they were killed at the very moment they wished to live. Next because, without a witness, their murderer probably will never be caught. But saddest of all is that the shadow of their parents’ sins destroyed their whole lives. They did nothing to deserve the tragedy that they lived in, especially Moo Young.
Poetic or not, that they will never get the chance to forgive and be forgiven is not just sad, it is cruel.
Please leave your comments about “The Smile Has Left Your Eyes” below. Don’t forget to add the question number to your answer, so we know which one you are answering. Happy Commenting! ~Unni
We hope you can also join us for our next KDrama Club Meeting: Lee Jong Suk’s “I Can Hear Your Voice” on Saturday, December 15, 2018. Can’t wait to chat more with you then!
Recent KDrama Club Meetings:

I really liked it. Am I allowed to say that? Not having a happy ending doesn’t make it less of a good drama. Good doesnt have to mean happy. It brought me to tears and I’d say that if a drama can make you cry ugly tears it’s doing it’s job as are the actors. It made me feel so deeply for the tragicness of it all. Of course I would have liked happy but there are plenty of other dramas for that. I started it not knowing where it was going and I’m glad I didn’t.
Jin Kook May have hated Moo Young because he knew deep down who he was and he just felt so guilty that he couldn’t find him when he was little. Maybe he feels responsible that he ended up the way he did?
Not a monster. He just needed love. As soon as he murdered that Noona I knew it couldn’t end well. But let’s all admit it. That Noona has it coming. I just wish he hadn’t crossed that line.
The ending was what it needed to be. They did end up together forever so you can look at it that way if it helps. I cried more in this than any other drama. I thought Sacred Heart and Goblin were as tear jerking as it could get but this was just painful. It took several episodes of Shopping King Louis to recover!
Thank you so much for this discussion space

Here goes My answers to the Questions above, please pardon me for such a lengthy comments because this drama left me With so much emotions
Thank you for this discussion thread
1. Do i like this drama? Oh I love it alright, it has all the recipe for a melodrama. I cried, i laughed, My heart fluttered, i felt fear worry, it shattered into pieces all at once. I wanted to scream at JG for stabbing MY, i wanted To hug Jin kang and comfort her when She was sobbing desperately infront of mooyoung’s door, i wanted To shout at Mooyoung to not be triggered By that crazy seran and Tell him that Yoo jin kang is not your sister!!! Why are you believing that snake!?
Gahhhh writing all of this is making me cry Again because of The what ifs that could have happened in the drama. All that roller coaster of feelings are surging back
i wanted Them To have a Happy ending but The moment mooyoung pulled that trigger its for certain a Happy ending wont be possible and They Would follow through With the kind of ending of The original drama.
Frankly because of how far, in My opinion, They had went astray With The potrayal of The characters from The original one i was really hoping They Would make The drama be totally different and that a redemption arc Would have been possible. Mooyoung was so humanize in My eyes that i cant seem To see him as evil even when he killed seran IT wasnt because he was pissed of her he felt like he needed To protect jin kang from going through The same hurt like him. IT was different from The original Ryo Who killed The woman just because he was angered By her teasing him about him and his sister.
Also There were some plot holes that i noticed after rewatching that Made me think ya what was that about. I think what i love most about The drama is how mooyoung is struggling To feel human again after all The wrongs he Did and how jin kang passionately never gives up on him right till The end, its really their love that draws me to The drama and i have No regrets watching IT. In The final scene i sobbed so hard when mooyoung was looking at The stars and dreaming that Jin kang was next To him, seriously when her figure dissapeared i cried so hard because of how lonely Mooyoung look at that scene and broken Without jin kang By his Side. So when They died i was crying but not as bad as when he was looking at The stars because i was glad they were next To Each other and her hands was holding his face and They were together at The end

What can I say about this couple. I was interested in this drama mainly because of somin and seo inguk because I like somin in BTLIOF so i was curious about her new project and also i havent seen seo in guk for Awhile in a drama those two peak my curiousity. I thought i was just going to watch one episode first but then MOokang had their first meeting, and since then i was shipping Them The main couple already
never once She turned her back from mooyoung after that, She keeps on believing in him and gives him The strength that he so much needs

Like when mooyoung confronted jin kang about her feelings that he’d rather not feel anything than not knowing what you feel when She keeps on denying was so LIT! Its The iconic dialogue from mooyoung” Tell me have you not thought about me?” “Have you not missed me?” Have you not have any feelings towards me” And she answered With “opseo” i was literally flailing because She obviously has feelings for him By Then!
Also The scene when She told him She doesn’t want him To be astray and Asked him To promise her that he Will be a good person and he answered”Teach me” omg feels

The part when mooyoung came back from haesan and Asked her ” are you really ok With me knowing Who i Am?” And She Said “of course” and he cried saying” i want To be reborn again” and She Runs and hug him! Omg that was sooooooo sad.
also The part when he had a tif With JG and when he returned Home and saw JK waiting for him and Then he lied down beside her and She Said ” you are here” he replied With “I’m here” and They smiled at Each other and he shyly lean towards her omg The feels.
lastly that scene where They were Cooking rice together and Their VoiceOver came on narrating their wishes and Promises those were some of My fav moments. They are still so many but this Will do for now

” The fact that She Knows moo young so well that he is not a monster like how everyone wants To believe, he never was to her
She aknowledged his wrong but She knows deep down mooyoung had good in him and he can be good
Personally I think mooyoung’s interest towards Jin kang was Already in The beginning when She started asking him about The beers and that She doesn’t seem To be swayed when he gives her The beer that She wants. Then his interest got a Lot more deeper when he listened to her conversation With chorong, but I think what really Made him like her is how She is different from The rest when they instantly like him because of his coolness and slyness, jin kang treated him Naturally not because She was amaze By his coolness and what not. I think jin kang got interested towards him when She saw him Taking The cat, but She must have fell for him when She realised that moment when he sent seung ah Home and then She doesn’t allow jin kang to meet seung ah mum because She slapped jin kang before this, and jin kang Said To him” you do all The nice things afterall but why do you pretend To be mean” IT must have dawn on her that his coldness is him putting up a front. She must have known that She has feelings for him when She couldnt find him and feeling so horrible not knowing whether he was alived or not, and She got so worried and fearful when She heard mooyoung wanted to work for seran, She was so scared that She might lose him that She pluck up The courage To finally accept him in her arms
The scenes that is My most favourite must have been mostly all The mookangs moments. Although i also love The moments when She bickers Lovingly With JG but My fav goodnes Theres so many!
The moment when She comforted him on The couch when She Asked him” are you scared that your dream might Come true?” And just hugs him was just so soothing to watch.
Although I must admit that upon rawatching the drama, I have some Questions about some plots that Didnt have any answers for It. I also think that its largely because The writers wanted to follow The original so although some parts of it i was thinking Would not have been necessary To follow like JG hating mooyoung, and have him stabbed mooyoung, It’s because JG knows or at least suspected that MY was The kid he was looking for and how much he meant to jin kang and to think that he could hurt MY was kinda confusing. Especially during that last conversation which he had With MY he knows how much MY meant to JK when She was younger and to think that he stabbed MY. Like why he hated Mooyoung so much and Then when mooyoung had really became a murderer he was suddenly all nice to mooyoung, when really he kind of contributed to this mess whats With him Killing MY dad and stabbing MY in The pretense of it being for Jin kang i mean seriously mooyoung must have felt his decision To kill seran a justified one. I Dont understand JG on this bit Too him hating mooyoung so much.
Was Mooyoung a monster To me? Obviously no, I’ve always seen mooyoung With a blinded biasness through The eyes of Jin kang, if jin kang doesn’t see him as a monster i believe that To be true. That moment when She was screaming to JG”he gets hurt too, he gets hurt By people like you!” ” he had a much harder experience growing up than i do
I think The ending was so sad but personally Would have change The plot By not making mooyoung a murderer but was Only framed for murder that way There can be a possibility for redemption but oh well, They had To Stick To The original drama so The drama have to go out With a bang!
Overall i love The drama but i love The pairing more for this drama. seo inguk and jung somin Made The mookang character so believable. It’s like They are totally a different entity from The main actors. Its like mookang has a soul of its own. Kudos to Both actors for The great potrayal of their characters i almost forgot they were not real

Thank you once again for this space and im Sorry that i rant so much