KDrama Club: I Can Hear Your Voice
Welcome to our weekly KDrama Club Meeting! It’s a KDrama-style whisper the password, give the secret handshake, fangirling club. Just like a book club, everyone is encouraged to freely join in with their thoughts and ideas. This week we are discussing Lee Jong Suk and Lee Bo Young’s classic KDrama “I Can Hear Your Voice.”
If this is your first time to DramaCurrent’s KDrama Club, welcome! Just like a book club, in the KDrama

How to participate in the “I Can Hear Your Voice” Chat:
Step 1. Take a look at our list of questions. If one, some, or all spark your interest then…
Step 2: Pop down to the comments section and leave your response.
It’s that easy!
Bonus: If you have a comment about “I Can Hear Your Voice” that isn’t an answer to a question, please feel free to say it anyway. Think of our questions as conversation starters, not limiters.
Warning: Spoilers are not only rampant, they are encouraged. We want an open chat where you can talk about any part of the drama you like.
Let the commenting games begin!
Discussion Questions for “I Can Hear Your Voice”
Click to jump to my response or the comments section
- How did you like “I Can Hear Your Voice”
- What was your favorite scene (or scenes)?
- Who were your favorite side characters?
- What did you think of the chemistry between the leads?
- Was Min Joon Kook’s character believable? Why or why not?
- How do you think this drama would have been different if Park Soo Ha couldn’t hear people’s thoughts?

1. How did you like “I Can Hear Your Voice?”
DramaCurrent Unni’s Comment:
Let me just admit up front, that I am totally biased about this drama. I’ve watched it five times, and I’m still not over how cute the Noona romance is. Basically, Lee Jong Suk and Lee Bo Young can do no wrong.
So yeah, I liked it…a lot.

2. What was your favorite scene (or scenes?)
DramaCurrent Unni’s Comment:
Despite its questionable age problems (am I the only one that breathed a sigh of relief when we time jumped and Soo Ha became an adult?), this is the type of relationship every woman dreams of. Who wouldn’t want a hunky, protective guy with puppy dog sweetness to fall for us? Where can I get one?
So basically, all my favorite scenes were of Soo Ha being Soo Ha. I loved when he told her to rant and he just listened (and washed the dishes. Another reason he is boyfriend material.) Or when he wore the ridiculous Gatorade hat because she wanted them to watch the game. Or when he was a frantic mess looking for her at the hospital. He was just the show stealer for me. By far.

3. Who were your favorite side characters?
DramaCurrent Unni’s Comment:
The vain judge and his “yes” minions made me laugh so much every time they appeared. I loved how they were always this comic commentary on the main cast’s existential crises.
But the best moment was when the fan turned on under the judge’s desk and turned his gown into a blow-up snowman. I lost it.

4. What did you think of the chemistry between the leads?
DramaCurrent Unni’s Comment:
I ship them. I ship them SO Hard. (Sorry Lawyer Cha, I was never on that boat. )
Although the age difference did bother me (sorry guys,) Lee Jong Suk and Lee Bo Young did such an amazing job of creating
Whether it was because of the fireworks accident or just her personality, Lawyer Jang always lived with a wall between her and the world. She could never admit to a mistake or allow herself to be seen as weak or ordinary. And because of this most people believed she was proud or eccentric. But Park Soo Ha’s magical hearing meant that he heard what she was unwilling to tell, that she was never as certain as she seemed and every quick quip she made was just her way of protecting herself.
The same was not true for Park Soo Ha though. Park Soo Ha gave so much in their relationship, but it didn’t feel to me that he received much. Lawyer Jang may have been willing to protect him in court, but outside the courtroom, she came across as self-serving. She could love him when it was convenient, but she was also quick to shut him out (sometimes literally.) Of course, Park Soo Ha knew this about her and didn’t mind (poor puppy Soo Ha would just roll over and take anything she dished), but I started to feel bad for him.

5. Was Min Joon Kook’s character believable? Why or why not?
DramaCurrent Unni’s Comment:
Having seen this drama five times, I was drawn to Min Joon Kook more than any other character. What motivated him? Who or what made him the monster he became? Was there ever a moment when he doubted himself?
Although the writer does eventually open the window into Min Joon Kook’s past, the view is murky at best. We can agree that what happened to him and his wife was tragic and unfair, but Joon Kook’s reaction is so excessive that I wonder if he was unhinged long before that. It doesn’t seem believable that a devoted, even-tempered husband can suddenly transform into an obsessive monster. There must have been a beginning long before his tipping point.
It would have been nice if the writer had given us more depth into the monster. As much as the end tries to humanize him, it did nothing to stop me from hating his guts.

6. How do you think “I Can Hear Your Voice” would have been different if Park Soo Ha couldn’t have heard people’s thoughts?
DramaCurrent Unni’s Comment:
Park Soo Ha’s magical hearing was really a fun twist for this drama. It allowed us to understand and explore how different people’s actions and words are from their real “voice.” But I don’t know that it really changed the outcome of the story in any large way. Ultimately, everything that happened would have happened. They still would have been pursued by Joon Kook. The mom still would have been murdered. The court would have still ruled in favor of the murderer. They would have still ended up on that rooftop.
(Okay, they wouldn’t have figured out Seo Do Yeon was the daughter. But that was a sub-plot. Side note: I hated that manipulative Judge more than Min Joon Gook. Uck. He was so slimy in how he thought nothing of “creating evidence” or distorting the truth to suit him. He made my skin crawl.)

Please leave your comments about “I Can Hear Your Voice” below. I really look forward to chatting with you. Happy Commenting! ~Unni
We hope you can also join us for our next KDrama Club Meeting: Classic KDrama Thriller “White Christmas” starting next Saturday, December 22, 2018. Watch it now at Viki.com. Chat more with you then!
Kdrama Club chats remain open forever, so feel free to join in on any chat at any time.
Recent KDrama Club Meetings:

I love this drama! It’s so much fun. The leads are awesome together and it basically made me a Lee Jong Suk fan.
2) I’m not sure I have a legit favorite scene, but I love the scenes where the two leads are together having normal life conversations. Like, for example, when he’s listening to her thoughts so that she doesn’t have to talk out loud because her throat is sore. It’s just so sweet!
3) Ok, I must admit that in this drama, I didn’t really get into the side characters much. I sometimes fast forwarded them because I was much more invested in the lead story. However, the secretary in the FL’s office is a hoot…in fact all of her co-workers were great! I loved how they showed the importance of the stories of the people being defended (the deaf woman, the man who collected newspaper). That was very cool and interesting to me.
4) I loved the leads and I thought they had great chemistry. I was glad though that they had Soo Ha become an adult before any real relationship began. Even though it wasn’t a massive age gap, I still felt it was important that he not be in school for them to start a relationship.
5) Min Joon Kook is one of the most vile bad guys I’ve seen in Kdrama. No remorse…no pity. He’s horrible…and perfect for this drama. The actor playing him did a phenomenal job.
6) Honestly, if Park Soo Ha hadn’t been able to read people’s thoughts I probably wouldn’t have watched this drama. That was the hook that drew me in. At the time I came across it, I wasn’t really familiar with much of the cast, so it was the plot that grabbed me. Without that twist, I think it would have lost a lot of it’s charm and pretty much all of it’s uniqueness from other dramas.