11 Moments from “He Is Psychometric” Episode 1 & 2 That Have Us Screaming For More
Somewhere between mouthfuls of mochi and 12 AM last night, I ran out of new episodes to watch. Gasp! This was a tragedy which had to be fixed stat! In my sleep-deprived state, the front page of Viki beckoned me with a mysterious new drama about a teenager with the superhuman ability to “see” the memories of everyone
But two episodes in, and I was completely hooked. This drama is funny, irreverent, and honest — far more than I’d expected from a drama that could have just lured us with its beautiful cast. Honestly, every wacky, heartfelt scene drew me in, but there were eleven that especially had me reaching for the next episode…and I think they will you too.
(I’ll try to avoid spoilers as much as possible, but it might be minorly
The Coolest Opening Ever

The effects in “He is Psychometric” are exciting, but not overdone. This is especially true for the opening which is nothing short of stunning. Shapes and effects float and swirl around Lee An(Jinyoung) and sweep us into the center of his psychometric abilities. We see whirls resembling the skin he “sees” with and watch as his psychometric abilities blend with his DNA. I love this unique way to draw us into his world.
The Birth Of a Bromance

I’ve promised no serious spoilers, but I have to share with this with you. The opening to this drama already has me falling for Lee An and Kang Sung Mo(Kim Kwon)’s bromance so hard. These little guys have been so brave and through so much, I want to give them all the love.
Being Locked In the Autopsy Vault

This scene made me laugh so hard. After big bro Kang catches his
Puppy Love

Lee An and his puppy pal may just be the cutest thing on my screen all month! This little guy clearly has his owner wrapped around his paw and I’m right there with him.
Why Candy Means Comfort

No spoilers here, but the reveal behind why Yoon Jae In uses candy drops to calm down during panic attacks is one of the sweetest moments so far. This drama really knows how to tug my heartstrings in the best way.
Standing Up to the Evil Teacher

Yes, girl! Yoon Jae In is the female badass I live to see. Unwilling to let injustice happen to anyone, she can’t stop herself from standing up to her corrupt teacher. Watching her, I couldn’t help but cheer. Dramaland needs more strong gals like this.
Their First Team-up

From Lee An trying to guess the door passcode by kissing it to Yoon Jae In threatening him with a taser (and his complete terror), these two highschooler’s first team-up was one laugh right after another. More! I need more!
Lee An’s Reaction to Psychometrically Finding Boogers

While on the hunt for clues, Lee An psychometrically stumbles on boogers hidden under a teacher’s desk. His reaction is hysterical…and relatable. Eww!
Lee An’s Tissue Mustache

When too much psychometric-ing causes his nose to bleed, Lee An hurriedly shoves tissues up his nose to stop the blood. Of course, the goofball immediately forgets they’re in and the tissues hang out for the rest of the scene as comedy gold. I rolled listening to his distorted voice and the very (hehe) uncomfortable conversation caused by them with Jae In.
The Shower Scene

Whoever decided to give Lee An/Jinyoung a shower scene in the first week deserves all the awards. Just saying, this scene deserves two pictures.

Did I Mention the Bromance???

Give me bromance over romance any day, and this drama is brimming with it. (Although, I suspect there will be plenty of both.) These two boys clearly care about each other so much their bond goes beyond blood. I love how Lee An’s eyes light up like its Christmas every time he sees his big brother and how supportive and caring Kang Sung Mo is in his own quirky way. These two have utterly won my heart.
So what did you think of the first episodes of “He Is Psychometric?” Will you be watching?
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