Why Arthdal Chronicles Changed Its Name – Maybe
One episode in and we think we’ve figured out why tvN execs decided to changed Arthdal Chronicles’ name from the original title: Asadal Chronicles. Also, there is a minion at tvN who deserves a raise.
We’re guessing their conversation may have gone something like this:

Why Arthdal Chronicles Changed Its Name – Maybe:
Head Exec: Great job on the brainstorming everybody. Now, I think its English name should be Asadal Chronicles. It will sound more expensive if we say “chronicles” and then Netflix will want it.
Minion Underling: Uh, sir, I don’t think that’s a good idea.
Head Exec: What do you mean?
Minion: It’s just that the English city name doesn’t really work in English, sir.
Head Exec: huh?
Minion: Well, if you call it Asadal then the city will be called 아스.
Head Exec: That’s right. The city of Ass.
Minion: (pause)
Head Exec: Oooooh. (pause) Arthdal Chronicles it is!
Minion: Do you think it will bother anyone that the name is different than how it is pronounced in the drama?
Head Exec: Nope!
Everyone who watches it: The City of Ass. Bwaahahaha!

Disclaimer: this story was written in jest. We are completely in love with this breathtaking drama. Now go watch Arthdal Chronicles, because it is amazing.