
Introducing the DC Crew with The Certified Noonas and Caitlin!

We’re starting out DramaCurrent’s birthday party with our biggest news ever! DramaCurrent now has a DC Crew!

We are excited to welcome Caitlin and KDrama podcasters “The Certified Noonas” as our regular writing team!

If you are a member of the KDrama Twitterverse, then you probably have already met Caitlin. Resident champion of KDrama crime dramas and herald of new Viki dramas, she is THE account to follow.

And of course, our week would be empty without a new episode from “The Certified Noonas.” Queens of KDrama and Kpop hilarity, this group of best friends will quickly become the best part of your day. Oppas may call them noonas, but we call them fabulous.

These ladies are fabulous and we could go on for days about them, but how much better to let them tell you themselves! Meet the DC Crew!

Drama Unni

Annyeong! I’m Christina, but you know me best as the writer and founder of DramaCurrent. Although it didn’t appear until later, I first became interested in South Korea as a kid while listening to my dad tell stories of his time in the Air Force. As a teenager, he had served in Osan and fell in love with the people and culture. Hearing his stories of an exotic land where people ate kimchi and studied Taekwando, I became fascinated too. Fast forward a couple of decades and I began studying the Korean language for fun in college — because I’m quirky that way. So, of course, I discovered Korean dramas.

It only took one episode of “My Love from Another Star” before my language exercise turned into a KDrama craze. I became obsessed and dropped everything else to immerse myself in all things Korean Dramas.

I’m a bit more balanced now (hopefully,) but I don’t regret a minute of the journey. It has opened my eyes and heart to an amazing people and culture and through the DramaCurrent Blog and our monthly KDrama Twitter Chats, I’ve met so many new friends. And yeah, I did learn some Korean.

Although up to now DramaCurrent has been my solo adventure, I am so excited to have our new team. As they say, on any journey always bring a friend. To wherever the current may take us!


Hi, I’m Amanda. My first introduction to KDramas was my little sister telling me how great they are and how much I was going to love them. But I’m obstinate and as soon as someone tells me that I’ll like something, I immediately reject it. It took me about a year to come around, and even then it was just because Netflix threw Birdie Buddy at me and I have a renowned weakness for golf movies (Don’t @ me. It’s a boring sport but I love watching it, okay?) Anyway, I started Birdie Buddy and was instantly hooked.

Omg, I only just now realized it was Lee Da Hee in the second lead role 😍

Anyway, the drama is pretty ridiculous, but I loved it regardless. I moved further and further into dramaland, adding JDramas and CDramas and TDramas and basically anything Netflix threw at me… Then I discovered Dramafever (rip) and Viki and Hallyu Twitter. From that point on, English-language TV was pretty much dead to me. I began to learn Hangul to the point that I can at least read people’s names. I was always a soundtrack lover, so it wasn’t long before drama OSTs dragged me into the world of Kpop too. Outside of dramaland, I’m a wife and mother, and work part-time with a former teammate in her roller derby athletic wear company.


Howdy, I’m Sky. Though it took me long enough as a lifetime bookworm, in 2017 I fell hard for a manga series called Library Wars/Toshokan Sensou as well as the accompanying anime, live-action movies, and drama special. As I explored more anime I was struck by the universality of the stories and my interest in Asian entertainment started to grow.

The next year Netflix suggested Taiwanese dramas to me and I dove in headfirst. (Love Cuisine and Murphy’s Law of Love were the first two.) Delighted by the characters and stories, in just a month I binged many other TDramas and started listening to soundtracks and Mandopop. Eventually, the TDrama Fabulous Boys led me to the original Kdrama You’re Beautiful and a similar music-themed KDrama Heartstrings.

My heart was thus opened to KDramas and I fell in just as deeply with them. Within a couple of months, Kpop called my name as well, and I joined Twitter to keep up with my favorite group, ASTRO. Later I naturally gravitated to KDrama enthusiast friends, became a part of that community and started up a podcast group, Certified Noonas, with three of my best buddies.

Aside from fangirling, my background is in communication and logistics. While for fun I can be often found traveling to concerts, enjoying nature in my camper, or chilling at home with my squad of doggos.


SojuNights Logo

Hi there!  I’m Natalia, aka SojuNights, a drama and Kpop obsessed artist hailing from Atlantic Canada. 

As a child, I lived in Thailand so Asian dramas weren’t a foreign concept to me, and I always loved anime as well. Despite this, I only got into Korean dramas specifically in my twenties. I have an immune disorder so I get sick often, and I was in bed sick when Netflix started adding KDramas to their roster. Since I watched a lot of anime on there, it recommended “Boys Over Flowers” to me, so I watched it. I was horrified by the first episode but kept watching because I had nothing else to do. I made it to the end, and immediately thought “all Korean shows can’t be this bad can they?” And immediately started “Shut Up Flower Boy Band” — which I absolutely adored. It was in short order before I was on my laptop googling where to watch Korean dramas and finding Dramafever (RIP.) The obsession continues to go strong many years later. 


Hello! I’m Jessie. My KDrama journey started back in high school. I was one of those anime kids that spent most of my days finding anime, writing fanfic, and cosplaying. In college, I slowly got out of it as work for my major left me with very limited free time (I was a theatre major, which meant I spent most of my free time building sets or in rehearsals.) About ten years later my want to study Japanese again led me to attempt to find JDramas as I knew they would be an additional aid in studies. As you can imagine, this was a pretty hard mission and my choices were limited. At this time, I had honestly been avoiding KDramas for a good bit because I knew that I would probably get sucked into them. Finally, I gave up.

Because of my past with Kpop, when it came to picking a KDrama I already knew I would start with “Boys Over Flowers” because I was a SS501 fan. I honestly think my years of anime watching paid off as I was more tolerable of its craziness and didn’t let it stop me from watching more. Boys Over Flowers led to Coffee Prince which led to a trail of dramas one after the other.

Although my friend from work would patiently sit as I explained drama plots to her, I knew I needed to find others that shared my love. After some years of watching, I started posting about dramas on Twitter and interacting with the community more. The rest is history. I started my own blog, found three people who agreed to be on a podcast with me, and am well down the KDrama hole. Although I will always have a place for JDramas in my heart, KDramas got me.


KDramaCriminal Logo

Hello! My name is KdramaCriminal, but you probably know me from Twitter as Caitlin. I have been an avid drama watcher for about 10 years, on and off. Well, I should just say it. I have been a drama watching ADDICT for about ten years. Any free time I have, I am watching something. But aren’t we all addicted to watching dramas? That’s what we are here for…BECAUSE WE LOVE KDRAMAS!

What KDrama started it all for me you ask? What else…”Boys Over Flowers!!” I just kept hitting play on the next episode to witness the craziness and bask in the experience of my first KDrama. I never looked back after that one and now Asian dramas are all I watch.

“Boys Over Flowers” also introduced me to the glory of Kpop. At first, I really liked one of the songs in the soundtrack so I went hunting for it and this led me to find the Kpop group SHINee and dive headfirst into their discography. Of course, after I thoroughly explored SHINee, I wanted to see what else Kpop had to offer. So I checked out other popular groups, both boys and girls. I now listen to everything and everyone and there is no going back for me. But even though I listen to a lot of different genres and groups within Korean music now SHINee will always have a special place in my heart of course.

My favorite genre is Crime (If you didn’t know from my name). I am constantly watching a crime drama if not more than one crime drama. I like the suspense, puzzles, and satisfaction of solving a mystery or catching the bad guys. (Sometimes I try to figure out the mystery before the characters do in the drama.) Some of my favorite crime dramas are Stranger, Tunnel and Voice. I gravitate towards crime dramas, always my first choice when choosing the next drama I am watching, BUT I do watch all kinds of dramas as well. So I am here to satisfy all of your crime drama needs!

Please leave a comment to tell The DC Crew “Hi.” And stay tuned as more exciting surprises (and prizes) come out for the next month!

Drama Unni is a Korean Entertainment Journalist and blogger based out of the US.  She enjoys late night kdrama binges with her two dogs. Email:


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