The Beginner’s Guide to the Rules of Korean Dramas
As a Noona who has spent more hours in the KDrama-world than the real world the past few years, let me tell you, KDrama-land is not what it seems. Yes, each new drama may seem edgy and fresh right now. But just wait. Get a few hundred KDramas under your belt and you start to notice…Korean Dramas have rules.
Sometimes called “tropes” or “cliches,” there are just some things that will always show up in every Korean Drama. Some will drive you crazy and you’ll want to jump through the screen and strangle characters; While others will become little inside jokes you can’t wait to see. But no matter how you feel, the rules will always be there — as certain as the KDrama world turns.
Which are your favorite KDrama-land tropes? Please share with us in the comments below.
Rule 1: The lead female will randomly trip at least once

You’ll never see it coming (just kidding, it will be played in slow motion so you will always see it coming.) At some point, our otherwise sure-footed female will randomly trip on absolutely nothing…but only in front of the male lead. Of course, he will catch her, and they will stare at each other in astonishment for way too long.
Alternately, the female may climb a ladder or building or some other tall object and fall, magically landing on top of the male lead in a kiss. How she manages to do this without kneeing him is a secret known only in drama-land.
Rule 2: In any historical drama someone will “die” by falling off a cliff

There is a cliff in South Korea I like to call “Jump Central.” Whenever a character is chased in a historical drama, he or she will invariably be driven over the edge of this particular cliff.
But if you see this happen don’t worry. Almost no one dies from falling off a cliff in KDramas. It doesn’t matter how high or impossible it is to survive; they will still be fine. Although, they will probably disappear for a long time so you will still cry your heart out.
Rule 3: Amnesia is an epidemic.

Hide your favorite characters, people. The amnesia plot device is out to get them. Or they’re face-blind. Or both. These are
Rule 4: Characters should always beware of crosswalks, they are the homes of white trucks of DOOM.

Beware: These unmarked trucks can lurk around any corner waiting to pad thin plots. Their headlights hold special freeze rays that
Side effects of being hit by a truck of doom often include amnesia and angst.
Rule 5: The male lead has either…
- suffered a tragic accident
- been abused as a child
- been emotionally scarred by his parents or guardian
- had a family member violently killed
In other words, he has SUFFERED — which naturally explains why he can’t handle basic human interactions and must act like a jerk-faced brat. (Ba-doom-ching!)
Rule 6: Almost all female leads are “ugly”
Even though they look prettier just getting up in the morning than any normal person on their best day, almost all female leads are “ugly.” But no matter how gorgeous you may think they are, they will still continuously be told they are ugly and fat.
(Meanwhile, I’m stuffing my face with a second bag of BBQ potato chips and haven’t worn make-up in four days. Now this is the real world, dramaland.)
Rule 7: No matter how horrifically the male lead was hurt he will still be able to run, jump, and use all injured limbs normally by the end of the week.
We’re pretty sure KDrama-land hospitals have some kind of super-healing power. Characters who were seriously injured can somehow function as completely healthy people by at most the end of the week, possibly the next day.
Stab wound to the gut? Pshh, that’s a KDrama papercut. Meanwhile, in the real world, it takes three weeks to recover from burning yourself while taking pizza out of the oven. (Don’t ask me how I know.)
Rule 8: Stunningly beautiful women can be mistaken for men if they cut their hair short and wear “guy clothes.”

We get that Korean guys are sometimes amazingly beautiful, but come on!
Rule 9: No one is studying hard unless their nose is bleeding.

Unless a character has a pile of bloody tissues piled on their desk, they aren’t really studying. This is because in dramaland the nose is directly connected to the brain.
Rule 10: If leads are really in love then one of them will decide to disappear for ages without making any contact.

It will make no sense to the plot or their personality, but without warning one of the leads will decide they must leave (probably the country.) It will likely be for the other person’s good, but they won’t explain this and instead will let him or her wallow in misery. This is because every story is better with unexplained time jumps. Right???
Rule 11: No matter how poor the female lead is, she will still wear designer clothes and accessories.

Yes, she may not have any money at all and have to work an impossible number of extra jobs. But this has never stopped a lead female from dressing her best…and never repeating an outfit.
Rule 12: Second male leads will always be cuddly, adorable teddy bears stuffed with sweet selflessness – who the female lead will never choose.

— because who wants a loving, supportive boyfriend when there’s a prickly, jerk-faced leading man available?
Rule 13: Rich guys are highly attracted to feisty poor girls they think are ugly and stupid.

Of all the KDrama-land rules this one is the strongest: rich men will always fall for the poor girl. We can’t really blame him. After all, he thinks she’s ugly, fat, stupid, and rude…and she hates his guts. What more attraction could they need? It’s Cinderella at its finest.
Rule 14: When a guy and girl are mortal enemies they will, of course, fall passionately in love.

There is no stronger attraction than “the law of Romeo and Juliet.” He is the outsider come to avenge his enemies. She is the insider (probably the daughter of the villain) innocently caught between sides. What could be more attractive than forbidden love?
Rule 15: 9 out of 10 rich women are horrible people.

If the rich guy is destined to fall in love with the poor girl, then you better believe the rich girl will be in their way. She is horrible and cold-hearted…like the spawn of Satan. But at least she is an amazing dresser.
Rule 16: Revenge plots can easily be derailed if the male lead falls in love

Forget his revenge plans, no matter how many years he has been coldly preparing, one look at her pretty face will be enough to make him a bumbling mess. Of course, he’ll be highly conflicted if someone else gets hurt or the whole plan fails because he lost focus.
Rule 17: Most stupid misunderstandings exist because one of the leads was interrupted while trying to explain.

It may only take three words of explanation to fix everything, but somehow no lead can finish their sentence before their phone rings or they get called away.
Also, leads won’t bother to try to explain again and will make the other person discover the truth accidentally — maybe after someone is hit by a truck of doom. But they’ll probably have broken up by then anyway because illogical tension is a great way to make stories longer.
Rule 18: There are only three restaurants in the entire country of South Korea: “fancy restaurant,” Subway, and Quiznos.

Because nothing says “hot date” like a sandwich.
Rule 19: The best mode of travel when drunk is piggyback by hot lead.

Forget taxis, when someone is drunk in Korean Dramas the best mode of travel is on the back of a hot leading man.
Also, drunken confessions are a highly reliable source of information. In that golden moment, before a person passes out from alcohol poisoning, they will reveal their deepest feelings for someone.
Rule 20: Random meetings in childhood are the surest sign a couple is fated forever.

Why bother with Tinder? The best source of boyfriend material is probably in your elementary school yearbook. Afterall, true destiny is discovering you met someone when you were eight.
Rule 21: Being sick with a fever is the fastest way to get forgiveness for even the worst sins.

No matter how badly he has behaved up to now, if the leading man gets sick the leading female will always come rushing to give him forgiveness and nursing — because if someone catches a cold, he must be really sorry.
Rule 22: Couples who live together will always fall in love – no matter how much they hated each other originally.
As soon as a couple rooms together it is only a matter of time before they will fall deeply in love — because nothing is more attractive than seeing someone when they first wake up in the morning.
Rule 23: Shower scenes must happen in every drama

At some point in the first few episodes of every drama, there will be a shower scene. He may be commando, wrapped in a towel, fully clothed, or just drenched in the rain, but there will be glorious pecks involved. This is a very necessary part of every drama’s story. Trust Me. Don’t question it, just enjoy.
Which are your favorite KDrama-land tropes? Please share with us in the comments.

Sitting here having my morning coffee and I almost spilled it on the computer-yes, I am laughing that much! All of these are absolutely true! You found all the recurrent highlights of all Korean dramas…wait, what about the U Turn in rush hour traffic that the lead always manages to make? Great write up! Thank you!
I could not stop laughing as I read through the list, one other thing that gets me is why on earth would you chase after a guy that just does not want you and is in love with someone els lol, look forward to the next post and drama’s
That kdrama hospital super-healing power? It’s all in the vaporizers.
Dramas Fever
i was sitting and scrolling my facebook newsfeed and found a web page named Dramas Fever this post was there…. and i kinda love it But your post i just loved to read . Thank you for having you .Love
Ariadne Choi
Fullhouse got me into Kdrama and I’ve been in the kdrama world since. I’ve been watching Itwaewon Class and enjoying it so far.
Song Rae
This was hilarious!!! I loved them all! The 3 restaurants really made me hoot!
I have yet to see Quiznos but Subway is all up & through these dramas! I’ll be looking out for it.

Also, the super fast healing! Yes, yes, yes! Like sometimes, it’s literally the next day.
And what’s even more funny is that sometimes the ML doesn’t even apologize while FL is healing his fever but she forgives him…
My secret faves are the the shower tropes & the drunken piggy back.
All of these are right on the money! I’m rewatching She Was Pretty right now and might as well go right down the trope list!
I remember when I first found kdramas and saw so many with car accidents that now I’m
whenever a character runs across the street or is driving a car. 

Such a great article!
And don’t forget the Soju scene, where one of the lead gets drunk and start acting stupid while spilling some truth.
Two men deciding amongst themselves who should have the girl, never mind what they he girl actually wants.
Don’t forget their coffee, vacuums, skincare and/or other products advertisements in between the scenes.
Great contents Thanks!
L Otto
Hilarious! And so true! As a screenwriter, these are some of my pet peeves in Korean tv writing! It also drives me crazy that nobody in Kdrama ever seems to turn out the lights at night. They all seem to blissfully sleep with every light in the room blaring brightly in their eyes. And insults! Why do the lead women all fall for the men who call them ugly!? Why is that considered attractive? The writers must be men!
L Otto
…Although I must say it is getting much better. Extraordinary Attorney Woo is a prime example of an excellently written contemporary drama with realistic characters. I felt like both men and women were brilliantly written and acted; this tv show fully deserves the acclaim it has received worldwide, as it is carefully crafted on every level.
Tea Rex
Totally agree! I loved Extraordinary Attorney Woo. I think a lot of Kdramas are getting a lot better about these tropes nowadays