Recap: Search: WWW Episode 6
Episode 5 left off with baseball bats, a bag of money, and some serious bad girl energy… Let’s see what Search: WWW Episode 6 has in store for us.

Episode 6
We rewind the action slightly to the moment when Song Ga Gyeong(Jun Hye Jin) walks in on her husband and Bae Ta Mi(Im Soo Jung) in his office. After Ta Mi leaves, Ga Gyeong confronts her husband, Oh Jin Woo(Ji Seung Hyun.) He explains that he linked Bae Ta Mi’s name to the story in order to protect his wife.
Oh Jin Woo asks his wife how much the young actor really means to her. He asks if Han Min Kyu(Byun Woo Suk) is someone who makes her life more bearable. Oh Jin Woo offers to put the actor in one of his movies if it will help Ga Gyeong.
Back to the present
The sound of a car alarm has drawn the attention of the strained couple. We see a repeat of the confrontation by the car and then skip to Ta Mi and Cha Hyeon sitting on a curb. Ta Mi apologizes for getting Cha Hyeon involved despite knowing her friendship with Ga Gyeong. Cha Hyeon isn’t mad though.

Cha Hyeon asks why Oh Jin Woo put Ta Mi’s name on the trending list. She’s surprised to learn that it’s because the rumour was really about Ga Gyeong. Ta Mi muses that despite their marriage being only a business deal, Oh Jin Woo must actually care about her former friend. Cha Hyeon’s not sure that she buys that theory.

Cha Hyeon supposes that Oh Jin Woo was just trying to protect KU Group. Ta Mi says that she thinks Ga Gyeong might have been a good person before KU group got ahold of her. Cha Hyeon agrees that she definitely was and Ta Mi asks how long Cha Hyeon has known Ga Gyeong.
Back in High school
Cha Hyeon tells the story of meeting a girl who was as good as she was gorgeous. Teenage Song Ga Gyeong was at the top of her class and came from a wealthy family. She was as kind as she was accomplished. Song Ga Gyeong seemed to a young Cha Hyeon as someone who would change the world.

Present Day

Ta Mi doesn’t buy the idea that Ga Gyeong is merely a victim of her circumstances, bearing no responsibility for the person she has become. Many people in her situation make different choices with their lives, Ta Mi reasons before leaving Cha Hyeon alone on the street.

After leaving Cha Hyeon, Bae Ta Mi goes to find Park Morgan. When Morgan sees Ta Mi’s poorly bandages hand, he wonders what she’s been up to. She assures him that it’s nothing to worry about. Ta Mi returns his ball cap with thanks for all he had done for her recently.

Morgan asks Ta Mi to come upstairs and let him bandage her wound properly. While getting treated, Morgan’s partner, Kim Sun Woo, brings Ta Mi a drink and teases his co-worker.

When Morgan says that he’s interested in Ta Mi, Kim Sun Woo asks if they are in a relationship. Morgan answers that he’s just living in Ta Mi’s fish tank for now. This news surprises Morgan’s partner quite a bit.

His teasing reveals a bit more about Morgan’s dating history to Ta Mi than Morgan is comfortable with. Morgan denies ever owning a fish tank of his own and shoots daggers from his eyes at his friend. Kim Sun Woo gives Ta Mi a high five and says he thinks Morgan is getting what he deserves.
When Sun Woo leaves, Ta Mi questions Morgan about his past women. He fights back with a mention of Pyo Joon Soo and gives her a reminder of him to take home.
Morgan teases Ta Mi about the things she can’t do with a bandaged hand. Things like washing dishes and showing. He figures with all her instant food she won’t need to wash the dishes much but offers to help her with the showering part.

The next day
Tammy finds Brian at work and goes to talk to him. She tells him that she understands his reasons for not helping her go after the person who put her on the search word list. Brian apologizes for not being able to support her more than he did. Tammy asks Brian why he had Scarlett come along when he told her they wouldn’t investigate the falsification. He tells her that he knew Scarlett would support her and that no victim should hear news like he gave her that day while feeling alone. Despite their difference in management styles, the two clearly continue to respect and admire each other.

In the office, the task force works on finding their next project. Their market share has increased another percentage point and they want to maintain Barro’s momentum. Tammy reveals a plan to steal at least one of Unicon’s top three Webtoon artists.

Tang Su Yuk Restaurant
The scene shifts to Yoon Dong Joo filming an eating broadcast in a restaurant as her boyfriend Pyo Joon Soo looks on.

Pyo Joon Soo is trying to make amends to his girlfriend, but she is not having it. Yoon Dong Joo asks about the girl he’s cheating on her with and mentions that maybe she should see somebody else too.

When a call comes in for Pyo Joon Soo and he once again tells the caller that he is out seeing vendors, it is the final straw for Yoon Dong Joo. She demands he go to the bathroom and wash up causing him to set his unlocked phone down on the table before leaving. Joon Soo’s angry girlfriend rushes to grab it before the screen times out.
Coffee Shop
Tammy takes Elly to meet with Kim Baek Jak, Unicon’s top webtoon artist. Elly is excited because she is a big fan of his work. Unfortunately for Elly, it turns out that Baek Jak is a jerk. He ignores her pitch and only speaks with Tammy saying that Elly is clearly to new and underqualified to be speaking to someone as important as he is. Beak Jak disparages Elly’s appearance and her worn out bag. Tammy is underwhelmed to say the least.

The rude artist leaves and Elly escapes to the bathroom. When she returns, Tammy grabs Elly’s bag and dumps it out on the table. She then turns over her own designer handbag and places all of Elly’s things in the more expensive bag. Tammy apologizes to Elly for her own part in perpetuating the stereotypes that cause people to believe that fancy things equal job competence. She then scoops her own things into Elly’s old, worn out bag before heading out.
Next day at Barro
The team gets ready to upload a new set of animated emoticons to the portal. One of them catches Scarlett’s eye and she asks the team to weigh in on it.

The discussion becomes fierce with those who prefer to dip their Tang Su Yuk feeling offended while those who prefer the traditional method of pouring their sauce see nothing at all wrong with emoticon. As the debate becomes more heated, Scarlett lets out a laugh and declares that she likes this a lot.

The team plans to upload the emoticons as they are, and to tell the design team to immediately create one for the ‘dippers’ as well. They plan to let the debate go on for a day or two, building momentum and then have Brian issue an apology and release the second Tang Su Yuk emoticon to appease those Barro might have offended.
The next day
Scarlett’s favorite drama, What’s Wrong With My Mother-in-law? is canceled for unknown reasons, but she consoles herself on her way to work with the knowledge that her plan has worked. People have been discussing the Tang Su Yuk emoticon on fan cafés all night long.

When she hangs up the phone with Jenny, Scarlett gets a notification that her boyfriend Pyo Joon Soo has sent out an email to everyone in the company. She clicks on it and her good mood quickly evaporates.
Scarlett storms into the office building. Everyone watches her and whispers. The company-wide email was actually from Pyo Joon Soo’s other girlfriend, Yoon Dong Joo. She has revealed to the entire company that Pyo Joon Soo has been two-timing. In his office, a happy Pyo Joon Soo is oblivious to the news revealed in the email. His staff has no time to warn him before Scarlett arrives on the scene.

Trying to defend himself, Pyo Joon Soo reveals that Tammy also knew about his multiple girlfriends. This gives Scarlett’s anger another target and she leaves to find Tammy which results in a hilarious chase scene and the revelation that Pyo Joon Soo had cheated on Tammy in the past too.

Later at a bar
The team commiserates with Ta Mi who is exhausted from running away from Cha Hyeon all day. She feels her age with her much younger teammates. Ta Mi is surprised to see Park Morgan and Song Ga Gyeong enter the bar together. She runs into Ga Gyeong in the bathroom and the two argue about the men in their lives. Ta Mi leaves the bar to avoid Morgan who follows her out onto the street. In a moment of panic, Ta Mi turns to Morgan, begging him to stop following her, begging him without words to stop affecting her heart.
Morgan turns and leaves Ta Mi without pushing or pressing for a reason.
The Next Day
At Barro a problem is discovered with a currently trending story. A laptop has exploded injurying a cat. The story is trending, but the name of the laptop model is causing a problem for the Barro search engine.
Barro solves the problem by temporarily removing the calculator from that specific search’s results. Over at Unicon though, the story is cause for a different problem. That laptop model is one that is manufactured by the company run by Director Song’s parents. A company that it owned by her mother-in-law’s company, KU Group.
Oh Family Home
Director Song rushes over to see her mother-in-law and try to sort the matter out. CEO Jang is clearly not amused. When Song Ga Gyeong’s parents arrive, her mother-in-law belittles and berates them before demanding that Ga Gyeong stop the matter from trending on the search list. Song Ga Gyeong refuses.

CEO Jang threatens the Song family saying that she has no need of a daughter-in-law who is no use to her company. Her son arrives in time to hear her comment on the lack of love between them and tells her to stop. He refuses to go with her as she demands, instead choosing to drive his in-laws back to their home.
CEO Jang has clearly called CEO Na about the problem. When she is notified about their own search engine having the same calculator problem that Barro was having, she chooses to ignore the issue and leave the calculator active. Director Song leaves the office but sits alone at the bus stop not wanting to go home. Her husband pulls up in a sports car and comes to sit with her.

They make small talk for a bit before he drives her to a hotel for the night.

The Next Morning
Ba Ta Mi wakes up to find that there are no missed calls or messages from Park Morgan. To her frustration, he doesn’t answer her phone calls either.

Ta Mi vents her frustration to her piano teacher Jung Da In over lunch. The younger woman advises Ta Mi on her relationship.

Ta Mi decides to confront Morgan in person and heads to Millim Sound Studio where she is told that Morgan has gone fishing. She is told that Morgan is unreachable by phone when he is on the boat. So Ta Mi decides to go on a road trip.

Jumunjin Docks
Ta Mi arrives at the docks and watches the boats come in. When Morgan’s boat comes back into cell range he gets a message from Millim saying that the woman he likes came to see him. When he looks up at the dock, Morgan sees Ta Mi waiting for him.

The two talk about the night that she held him away with her hand and the way that he walked away from her. Morgan asks Ta Mi why she pushed him away and she tells him that she was scared. They share food and soju and discuss the reasons why she pushed him away that night.

Ta Mi tells Morgan that she’s still not sure of all the reasons, but that one thing has become clear to her. He is someone who has become important to her life. Ta Mi explains that her life is busy and complicated and it’s hard to make time for him. Morgan asks Ta Mi to let him be a part of the ordinary moments of her life.

The two return to Morgan’s hotel where he tells her to get a room for herself. Ta Mi asks if Morgan’s room has two beds and suggests that she can just use one of those, telling him she’s scared to spend the night alone in an unfamiliar hotel (Sure Jan)
Morgan’s Hotel Room
The two wind up sharing a room and Morgan loans Ta Mi a shirt to sleep in. He teases her about how big it is on her and she tells him to stop walking around shirtless, which amuses him.

They go to bed, but neither one is able to fall asleep. After watching each other for a while, Morgan gets out of bed and grabs a beer from the mini-fridge. Ta Mi joins him on the floor between their beds and he offers her a sip of his beer. She hands the beer back and tells Morgan that yes, she finds him scary, she has found him scary from the very beginning. When Ta Mi tries to take the beer again, Morgan holds fast to it and tells her not to show him her weakness because he might exploit that.

Final Thoughts:
Things are spicing up. Ta Mi is realizing her feelings for Morgan, but also, she is becoming closer to her colleagues at Barro. The blossoming friendship between her and Cha Hyeon is wonderful. I am also really loving the unfolding of the complicated relationship between Song Ga Gyeong and her husband. There is so much more there than I expected there to be. Another thing I really love in this drama is the way they show the phone and computer screens floating over the scenes they are part of. It’s a great reminder that the internet and technology are major characters in this drama.
Did you miss the first few recaps? You can find them here: