Recap: Search: WWW Episode 10
Our recaps for Search: WWW are back and moving along. When we left off on our last episode, Song Ga Gyeong had announced her intention to divorce Oh Jin Woo. Who knows where we’re headed next? Let’s dive in!

Oh Family Home
We pick back up where we left off, with Song Ga Gyeong announcing to her family that she intends to divorce Oh Jin Woo. She shames her parents for selling her off and asks them if they were ever in their life happy that she was born.

Ga Gyeong informs CEO Jang that she won’t be going quietly either. She wants money for her pain and suffering over the last decade. Ga Gyeong makes it clear to her mother-in-law that divorce court is not in her best interest. She threatens her with criminal proceedings if forced to sue for alimony.

Song Family Home
Oh Jin Woo drives his in-laws home after Song Ga Gyeong leaves his mother’s home. They tell him to comfort his mother and that they will talk to Ga Gyeong, but Jin Woo stops them. He tells them not to call her and just to leave her alone for once. His bond with his wife is strong, he tells them, stronger than theirs is apparently.

Bus Stop
Song Ga Gyeong sits alone at the bus stop looking scared but resolved. Oh Jin Woo pulls up in his car and comes to talk to her. She says that she has no place to go. She begins to cry and wonders why she chose to live her life like this. Jin Woo sits next to her and offers her a handkerchief for her tears.

The Apartment
Oh Jin Woo drives his wife to his secret apartment. She asks if it’s where he brought his lovers, but he tells her no. Nobody has been here but himself and the housekeeper. She asks why he’s still driving the sports car, and he tells her its because he likes it when she teases him for it. Before he leaves, Jin Woo has one question, is he one of the reasons why she wants a divorce? She tells him no and he turns to leave.

Tammy stands in the middle of the open workspace at Barro, staring at the big screen where the trending searches scroll by. Number 2 is “Barro Fabrication”, number 3 is Brian’s resignation.
Meanwhile, Brian sits with a friend. They fish and drink, and his friend berates him for overreacting when he quit. But Brian doesn’t want to taint Barro’s reputation. He took the blame to spare the company. The friend suggests that Barro has a strong reputation in the community and would have been forgiven quickly if Brian had simply apologized.

CEO Na barges into Song Ga Gyeong’s office demanding to know what she was thinking holding a press conference like that without permission. Song Ga Gyeong retaliates asking what exactly CEO Na and the rest of the company had been doing to raise their company’s business shares that Barro has been eating away. She gets into CEO Na’s face and tells her to start working harder at keeping her job.

The department heads meet to talk about what to do now that Brian has resigned. The feelings in the company are not good since Brian was very well-loved. It has been decided that for the time being Brian will not be replaced as CEO and instead the Vice President of the company will act as the CEO.
Tammy’s team meets to discuss their current project. They are all feeling down about Brian and find it hard to focus on work. Tammy announces that the team will be undergoing some one on one counseling with her to discuss their concerns. Scarlett isn’t interested in getting counseling, but Tammy tells the team that it is not optional.
On a lighter note, Park Morgan has set his face as the screen background on Tammy’s computer and left her a note to organize her icons if she wants to see him more clearly. This reminds Tammy that it is Morgan’s birthday.
Park Morgan is in a meeting at Unicon regarding the game music that Millim has been developing for them. Morgan coughs slightly and is told that he seems pale and sick. He says it’s probably just the relief of the job being completed.
In the parking garage, Song Ga Gyeong is approached by two men who tell her that they have come to take her home to CEO Jang. She tells them not to touch her. They apologize but reach for her again. Park Morgan comes to the rescue.

He turns to leave after CEO Jang’s goons leave but Song Ga Gyeong asks him about the potted plant in her office. He tells her to water it when it becomes dry. She returns the advice, telling him to water Bae Ta Mi well because she is giving his lover a hard time.

CEO Jang’s art studio
CEO Jang paints aggressively while Oh Jin Woo stands and watches. She speaks to her dead husband as if Jin Woo wasn’t there. He tells her that he intends to divorce Ga Gyeong. His mother tells him that he can’t, that while he serves no purpose to him, his wife is useful. Jin Woo tells his mother that it’s his job as Ga Gyeong’s husband to protect her from the evil mother-in-law. She scoffs at him and asks Jin Woo if he has come to like his wife. He responds that after watching 10 year’s of abuse, he could hardly confess now.

Outside MIllim Sound
Bae Ta Mi lights the candles on a cake to take to Morgan. His friend and business partner meets her outside and tells her that today is not the day to celebrate. Morgan has two birthdays, CEO Kim says.
We cut to a scene of Morgan cooking in his home, talking to his father through a video chat. His father asks about his life and wishes him a happy birthday. Morgan’s mother is busy watching KDramas upstairs (relatable).

Back at Millim, CEO Kim explains that Morgan often becomes sick on his birth date because of the stress associated with his childhood. It’s only then that Ta Mi realizes that Morgan might have been adopted. She replays their conversations about his past growing up in Australia, putting some of the pieces together in her mind.
Ta Mi has abandoned the cake she bought and picked up food instead. She tells Morgan that she could tell he was sick from the sound of his voice on the phone earlier and so picked up soup and medicine. He doesn’t mention his birthday or adoption.

Ta Mi watches Morgan sleep while remembering him talking about why he wanted to get married someday. He awakes to find her watching him and asks why she hasn’t gone home yet. She responds with some relate-able content.

Morning at Cha Hyun’s home
Cha Hyun receives a phone call from Seol Ji Hwan and tells him she’s on her way to pick him up. It’s his first day back on set and so, of course, his manager needs to be there.
On set, Cha Hyun sees that the director is treating her actor with more respect now that he’s got a manager and a profile page on the internet. They begin to film Ji Hwan’s return to the screen.
What’s Wrong With My Mother-in-law?
Back to reality
Cha Hyun watches the filming from nearby. When Seol Ji Hwan finishes his scene, he strides purposefully in her direction, towards the camera that is filming next to her. He comes in very close in order to get out of the shot and everybody’s hearts start fluttering.
Morgan’s apartment
Morgan is awake and feeling better. He tells Ta Mi over the phone that he thinks it her healing power that got him over it so quickly. He rolls his eyes at the dishes she ‘cleaned’ the night before and rolls up his sleeves to wash them properly. She can hear the sound of the dishes in the background. Offended, she tells him she’s never washing his dishes again. He laughs and tells her good she should never do dishes and just stick to doing the work at Barro that she does so well. They close off the phone call with Morgan flustered by Ta Mi’s off-the-cuff confession.

In the office, Ta Mi begins to take her individual counseling appointments with her team. Some of them are more work-related than others.

When Alex’s turn comes, the mood seems tense. Ta Mi asks him what’s wrong and he confesses that he has received a job offer from Unicon. They’ve offered him a better position and a higher salary. Tammy tries to be positive about it and not to pressure him. It’s clear to the viewer that this news has thrown her off, but she hides it well from Alex.
At a bar
Tammy meets with Scarlett over drinks for her personal counseling appointment since Scarlett is happy with her job and doesn’t think she really needs any counseling.

Scarlett tells Tammy that her goal is to become the CEO of Barro someday and that’s why she’s never taken job offers from headhunters trying to steal her away. The girls match drink for drink with each other, and its a lot. It doesn’t take too long before Ta Mi is drunk and bragging about having a boyfriend. In a moment of frustration, Cha Hyeon claims that she has a boyfriend too. Ta Mi doesn’t believe her and dares her to call the boyfriend. Cha Hyeon panics and texts the first person she can think of.

Park Morgan has arrived to collect his drunken girlfriend. Outside, Cha Hyeon creates a story with Ji Hwan of how they met and fell in love. Inside he proves his acting chops. He drops her fake story and opts for a slightly revised version of their real meeting. He tells them that he fell in love with her at first sight after she tripped him on the sidewalk.

Ta Mi’s apartment
Morgan carries a drunk, sleeping Ta Mi back to her bed. She wakes up as he’s tucking her in and starts trying to undress him. He pulls her hands off and tells her to go to sleep. As she falls asleep, she mumbles that she’s going to protect him. As Morgan turns to leave, he hears Ta Mi sniffling and asks her why she is crying. Ta Mi confronts Morgan about keeping his birthday from her. He tells her that he kept it from her so she wouldn’t reject him.
He tells her now that the birthday that just passed is the day he was abandoned and found at the orphanage. Ta Mi tells him that she is grateful to his birth parents for giving birth to him so he could come to her.

The next day
Alex meets with the headhunter from Unicon and is presented with a contract. The headhunter tells him not to waste time with a losing company and to come to a company that needs him.

In the office, Tammy tells her team that the deadline for changing Barro’s home screen has been moved up. They need to finalize their ideas sooner than expected due to Unicon’s planned upgrade coming soon. When she asks about marketing strategies, Ellie announces that she has an idea. Alex seems to feel that he is no longer needed on the team.
At lunch, Ta Mi talks to a sleepy Morgan over the phone. He tells her that he couldn’t sleep for thinking about her all night. Morgan regrets not letting Ta Mi seduce him. He tells her his real birthday and asks her to get him a cake then. Ta Mi promises she will. They end the call after Morgan asks her if it’s okay for him to go to a middle school reunion. She says fine, but when Cha Hyeon joins her for lunch we learn that it is clearly Not Fine.

Tammy gets a call from Alex and goes back to the office to meet with him. She tells him that she will respect whatever choice he makes. He asks her about Unicon, about what it’s like there. Alex tells Tammy that he thinks he should go. He thinks that he’s more needed at Unicon.
Song Ga Gyeong’s apartment

Song Ga Gyeong sets out to cook herself a meal. It does not go as planned, our girl does not know how to cook. The sound of the doorbell saves her from having to eat her awful food. Oh Jin Woo has arrived with some of her clothes and a bag of take out. He sees the food she has cooked set out on the table.
Jin Woo teases Ga Gyeong about the difference between soup soy sauce and heavy soy sauce but compliments her on the rice being cooked well. He tells her to sit down and eat with him, but she brings out the food he brought.

That evening
Tammy meets with Brian at a food tent to discuss Alex’s job offer. She thinks that it’s a trick from Song Ga Gyeong, but she doesn’t know what to do about it. Brian asks her if she tried to convince Alex to stay. He asks if she needs him on her team. She says that she does but that she hasn’t told him that.

We cut to another scene outside of Alex’s home. He asks if she’s been drinking and she says that she has because of him. She asks him not to leave and tells him all the things that make him a valuable member of the team. She tells him that she will let him go if he wants to but she wanted to tell him how she felt.

Alex tells her that he’ll stay with Barro and the two go out for more drinks together. They both get drunk and each start blaming themselves for the misunderstanding. The rest of the team finds them as Alex is hitting his own head using Tammy’s hands.

The rest of the team sits down and asks about the job offer. They tease Alex about turning down the other job and the mood becomes light and fun. It becomes less fun for Scarlett as she’s the one who gets to hold drunk Tammy’s hair in the bathroom.

Later on
Ellie and Tammy are sharing a ride back home. Ellie, or rather Ah Ra, asks Ta Mi for a favour.

They talk about the people in the cars around them. Ta Mi says that it’s comforting to know that other people also live fiercely like she does. Ah Ra says that it sounds like Ta Mi has had a hard time lately. Tammy asks if she can come to Ah Ra sometimes to talk when she is having a hard time. She tells the team’s maknae that she feels a sense of responsibility to her.

We close with a musical montage of the rest of the team all returning to their homes by various methods.
Song is “I get a little bit lonely” by Kim Na Young
Final Thoughts:
Episode 10 ends with the team all coming together. They are finally having a team dinner and spending time together. Brian has left, but Alex has decided to stay. This episode almost felt like the closing of the first half of a play. There is clearly more to come with Song Ga Gyeong setting herself against both her mother-in-law and her boss, as well as the continued conflict between Unicon and Barro. I am really enjoying rewatching this drama so many months later. I hope you’re enjoying it too.

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