KDrama Twitter Chat is Monday!
Do you ever wish you could find friends as crazy for KDramas as you? We’ve got just the place for you! Join us the first Monday of every month at 7:00 – 9:00 PM (CST) for DramaCurrent’s monthly KDrama Twitter chat. You’ll find oodles of amazing KDrama friends! Join in as we discuss all the things we love about Korean Dramas like tropes, OTPs, current and old dramas, OSTs, washboard abs(oops, did I admit that out loud?) and so much more! (Plus some months we even hold KDrama themed giveaways!)
Finding us is super simple: Just go to our Twitter Handle @DramaCurrent or search for #KDramachat. We will post the chat questions sporadically from 7 – 9 PM CST, so feel free to jump in at any time.
Not sure what a Twitter chat is or how to join? Not a problem! Read below for our FAQ’s. And be sure to sign up for our new KDrama Twitter Chat Reminders!
Are you excited for KDrama Chat? Do you have any questions? Please let us know in the comments below!

What Is a Twitter Chat?
A Twitter chat is like a conversation between everyone in the world. Each chat will use a specific hashtag, ours is
How Do I Join Your Twitter Chat?
Easy! At 7:00 PM (CST) we will send out a tweet from our Twitter account, @DramaCurrent, with the first question and the hashtag: #kdramachat. To respond you can either reply within the thread, create a new tweet using #kdramachat, or retweet with #kdramachat.
Tip: Don’t forget to use our hashtag so that your comments will go into the general chat.
I’m Not Free Until Later, Can I Still Join?
Yes! Members of a Twitter Chat can come and go as they have time. Everyone is welcome! We host the chat for two hours because we want to give everyone time to join in.
We can’t wait to share our love of all things Korean Drama with our Twitter family. Tweet you then!
Can’t wait to chat with you soon!
Find the chat: @DramaCurrent #kdramachat
Read Next:
- What You Said: Which KDramas Made You Cry the Hardest?
- What You Said: Which KDramas Made You Laugh the Hardest?
- Highlights from our first KDrama Chat
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