5 Kdramas to make you LOL

Did you miss our #Kdramachat for September? Are you looking for a funny kdrama to watch? Our kdrama community has some suggestions for you from our last chat. Check it out!
1. Business Proposal

The drama that got the absolute most mentions in our chat is Business Proposal. This one has been very, very popular this year. Kim Se Jeong is an absolutely fabulous actress who really nails every role she takes. In this role she really embraced the hilarity and nonsense of the character and the story. Even if you haven’t watched it yet, you’ve probably seen the hilarious scenes of her trying to tank the first blind date with male lead Ahn Hyo Seop.

The drama is your classic kdrama mistaken identity/contract marriage/office politics romcom. The leads are fun, the side couple is fun. Everybody who watched it really had a great time with it and it’s on the top of the list for so many fans this year. If you’re looking for something fun to watch, give it a shot!
2. Alchemy of Souls

This one surprised me a bit to see it pop up here, but it got mentioned in our chat more than once. Alchemy of Souls is a fantasy drama about body swapping and revenge and politics. There is death and intrigue and, apparently, hijinks. I have to admit that I have only watched the first episode of this drama, but I did watch it twice. And I will admit, I did laugh out loud at least once during that episode. This is another drama that I’ve heard a lot of good things about. If you are familiar with the Hong Sisters and their dramas, it probably won’t surprise you that this drama has a lot of comedy mixed in with it’s deeper plots. The sisters are a writing duo known for fantasy dramas like The Master’s Sun and Hotel Del Luna. So, if you’re in the mood for something a little different, maybe this is the choice for you.
3. KVariety
Listen, it’s kind of cheating, but some Korean variety shows do have almost drama-like plots to them. If you want a variety show with some plot and humour, check out 3 seasons of Busted, or maybe try New World. But if you’re looking for something a little more mindless. Running Man is a classic variety show with a lot of laughs. All of your favourite Korean actors and actresses and pop stars will make an appearance at some point in the 600+ episodes. The hosts and the hijinks are hilarious. When you need a good laugh, funny variety shows are sure to provide.
4. Welcome to Waikiki

This drama literally has laughter in the title. In Korean the title is Eulachacha Waikiki or Laughing in Waikiki. And laugh you will. Waikiki is one of the most sitcom style kdrama I have ever watched. The acting is great and the story is fun, but the hijinks… THE HIJINKS! The show is ridiculous. What starts as a sort of 3 Men and a Baby scenario, quickly turns into an adorable, hilarious, co-habitation story about a bunch of young people finding their ways in life. And the baby is the cutest thing.

Honestly, Baby Sol is the star of the show. While the adult actors all do a great job, it’s the baby’s faces and antics that really drive a lot of the laughs. If you like nonsense, I highly recommend this delightful series.
5. Psychopath Diary

Psychopath Diary is the tale of a guy with amnesia who finds the diary of a killer and thinks that it must be his. This drama got mentioned more than once in our September chat. What it’s probably most memorable for is the hilarious bromance that starts up between amnesia guy and the real owner of the disturbing diary. Yoon Shi Yoon is an excellent actor who handles comedy very well. The female lead is Jung In Sun who was one of the leads in Welcome to Waikiki, so you know that she has the comedy chops as well. Remember that this is a comedy about a serial killer, so the comedy is definitely darker than what you’ll find in the other dramas mentioned.
What are some of your favourite fun kdramas? Did you find one in these recommendations that you want to try out? Don’t forget to join in the #Kdramachat fun with us on the first Monday of every month. You can find us on Twitter at @DramaCurrent or by following the hashtag. Hope to see you there!
Want more drama recommendations and cant wait for the next kdramachat? Check out our lists on Romance, Female Friendships, and Classic Kdramas. Or head over to CertifiedNoonas.com for a wide variety of recommendations. Every month we have a What We’re Watching episode where you’re sure to find something fun to watch.