Welcome to the New DramaCurrent!
Welcome, Unnis and Oppas to the new and improved DramaCurrent! Here at DramaCurrent we are huge kdrama fans. Do you go weak-kneed when you see wrist grabs and fingers hearts? We do too! If you love kdramas, then you are in the right place.
Don’t know where to start? Here are a few of the awesome resources we have here at DramaCurrent.
– Drama Air Dates
Not sure when your favorite drama is set to air? Curious which new dramas are starting soon? Check out our Air Date pages. Do you want to see only the basic info? Then List View is just for you. Or do you want to know casting info, broadcast station, and more, then be sure to check out the Detail View. We update Air Dates frequently so you are always current.
– Korean Star and Drama Updates
DramaCurrent is your complete resource for all your kdrama casting news and Korean star updates with daily blog posts to keep you in the know. To get started, check out our Oppa’s Upcoming Projects page (for the men) and Unni’s Upcoming Projects page (for the women) for a quick look at what your favorite stars have coming next.
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– Military Enlistment Status
Saying “good-bye” to your bae when he enlists is so hard — sometimes the wait can feel like forever. But what is even worse? Not knowing when you will get to see him again. Hop over to our Military Enlistment page for enlistment and release dates on all currently enlisted kdrama stars. Who are you waiting on to come home? Share with us in the comments below.
– Unni Central
Kdrama love is not something that can be kept to yourself. Everyone knows the feeling of just watching the BEST EPISODE EVER and not having someone to share the excitement with. This is why we have added Unni Central, the place for all of us to share the kdrama love with each other. Check out our Memes page for funny kdrama memes to brighten your day (and don’t forget to submit a few of your own) or the weekly Open Threads to talk about hot topics and dramas currently airing. Together let’s build the ultimate kdrama addiction support group. (hehe.)
Coming Soon to DramaCurrent!
– Beauty, Food, Culture, and Language
In addition to keeping you current on all things kdrama, we want to share with you all the fun and fascinating parts of Korean Beauty, Food, Culture, and Language. Like you, we are interested in every part of Korean culture, from tteobokki to makeup trends, and from hanbok to manner hands. Interested? Stay tuned for so much more!
– Store
If you love kdramas, then you have to show it! We’re collecting together our favorite kdrama theme products, clothes, and accessories just for you.
We are so excited to begin sharing our passion for all things Korean Dramas with you, our fellow Unnis (and Oppas.) We like to believe that kdrama fandoms are about more than just our shared addiction; they are a way to build friendships. Welcome to the DramaCurrent family. Hwaiting!