Why Koreans Wear Face Masks in KDramas
KDramas Explained

Why Do Koreans Wear Masks in KDramas?

Not just a plot device for dramas, Koreans often choose to wear masks in everyday life. While it might seem odd to outsiders to see someone wearing a mask on their way to work, there are several reasons why South Koreans might need to wear them. (And no, it isn’t because South Korea is full of masked vigilantes.)

In fact, there are three main reasons why Koreans often put on masks.

Why Koreans Wear Masks in Dramas (and Real Life)

1. Protection from Fine Dust

My ID is Gangnam Beauty Korean Drama Face Mask Episode 14
My ID is Gangnam Beauty Episode 14

Probably the most common reason is due to the fine dust in the air in South Korea. Sometimes known as Asian dust, thick clouds of air pollution frequently descend on South Korea’s air and make it difficult to breathe. Filled with metals and other toxic materials, the dust isn’t healthy for anyone but can be especially dangerous to anyone with health issues. On days that the fine dust levels are rated high, South Koreans will often choose to wear masks to help them breathe more safely.

2. Protection from Germs

She Was Pretty Korean Drama Face Mask Episode 6
She Was Pretty Episode 6

The second most common reason that South Koreans reach for a mask is to combat the common cold. Just like the rest of us, South Koreans hate to get sick, so they often choose to wear a face mask to protect themselves during cold and flu season.

Additionally, if they get sick they will usually wear a mask so they don’t infect anyone else. It is a nice way of protecting everyone around them. Isn’t that kind?

3. Protection for Their Identity

BTS V Korean Wearing Face Mask
BTS’s V [source]

Probably the favorite reason in Korean Dramas, celebrities will sometimes choose to hide their identity by wearing a mask. Unlike in Western countries where stars are easily recognized, Asian celebrities can choose to conceal their identity when they go out in public. Since masks are pretty common, it allows them the freedom to go to their favorite coffee shop or the movie theater without everyone wanting their picture. Still, sometimes a keen-eyed fan will spot them, like the above photo of BTS’s V. Nothing is foolproof, right?

City Hunter Face Mask
City Hunter

Of course, there are other reasons why someone might choose to wear a mask in South Korea (like a really bad pimple…or becoming a vigilante) but these are the most common.

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Drama Unni is a Korean Entertainment Journalist and blogger based out of the US.  She enjoys late night kdrama binges with her two dogs. Email: unni@dramacurrent.com


  • Deitra Pawley

    Usually in Kdramas when people wear masks they’re trying to hide their identity and it’s not celebrities,usually it’s criminals being arrested or the main character if they’re running away from bad guys ,plus the black baseball cap

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