Recap: Search:WWW Episode 7
We’re back with another recap for Search: WWW Episode 7. Things seem to be going well for Bae Ta Mi both professionally and personally. She has admitted to having feelings for Park Morgan and Barro’s market share is climbing. Let’s see what happens next.

Search: WWW Episode 7
We left Morgan and Ta Mi sharing a beer and a hotel room, staring silently at each other. Morgan catches Ta Mi’s hand as she pulls it away, stroking the back where she had previously injured it. He tells her not to run away this time. Morgan tells Ta Mi that he felt lonely the last time when he had woken up to an empty hotel room. She promises that she won’t run this time.
In the morning
Morgan wakes before Ta Mi and smiles seeing that she’s still there. Suddenly self-conscious, he sneaks to the bathroom to freshen up. He quietly returns to his bed. When Ta Mi awakes, his sneakiness pays off.


On the beach
The two take coffee to the beach where Ta Mi grills Morgan with questions about his name, his health, his debts. Morgan answers the questions but wants to know why she’s asking. Ta Mi answers that she has decided to start actively managing her fish tank.

Cha Hyeon is rereading the email sent out by Pyo Joon Soo’s other girlfriend. She calls him angrily but the girlfriend is the one who answers.

Back at the beach, Morgan calls a driver to pick up his car and drive it back to the city for him so that he can ride into town with Ta Mi. He asks if she wants him to drive.

Before starting to drive, Ta Mi gets a phone call from Cha Hyeon who wants Ta Mi to join her at a meeting with the other girlfriend.

Back in town
Ta Mi and Cha Hyeon are surprised to discover that Pyo Joon Soo’s girlfriend is none other than internet celebrity, Yoon Dong Joo. The young broadcasting jockey is rude to the older women, acting as if she is special for dating Pyo Joon Soo first, but we all know the truth.

Cha Hyeon demands that the younger woman apologizes to her for spreading their business all over the Barro offices. Yoon Dong Joo admits she was wrong and apologizes. Cha Hyeon isn’t sure what to do next.

While she has the women there, Yoon Dong Joo wants to know why an old poet with the same name as her ranks higher in the Barro search results. Ta Mi explains that the rankings come from which results get the most clicks when people search the name. If the poet comes first, that’s because that’s what more people are searching for. The younger woman doesn’t believe that the poet is more popular than she is.

Cha Hyeon decides its time to end the meeting and get away from Yoon Dong Joo.

In Cha Hyeon’s car
As they drive, Ta Mi asks if Cha Hyeon is okay after her heartbreak. Cha Hyeon replies that she’s used to ending things with men who are having affairs. She says in her 20s she could only cry and blame herself but now she knows to blame the cheater.
Reading a message on her phone, Ta Mi demands Cha Hyeon head for a restaurant in Hannamdong. The Unicon Webtoon artists are having a company dinner and she wants to spy on them.
Unicon dinner
Song Ga Gyeong tells the artists that this dinner is for them. To show Unicon’s appreciation for them and to let them get to know each other better. Outside, Artist Go Do Ri confronts Director Song about the real reason for the get-together. He hates the number one artist, his former mentor Kim Baek Jak. Go Do Ri tells Director Song that he only came to torment Kim Baek Jak.

To placate the younger artist, Director Song suddenly mentions wanting to get his webtoon turned into a movie. Across the street, Ta Mi and Cha Hyeon watch the interaction. Ta Mi tells Cha Hyeon about the rumours of bad blood between Go Do Ri and his former mentor. The two decode to try and infiltrate the group at the bar reserved for the second round. But Ta Mi is going to need a disguise, so they open Cha Hyeon’s trunk full of sports gear.
Oh family home
Song Ga Gyeong enters her husband’s room and asks him for a favour. She wants Oh Jin Woo to but the movie rights to Go Do Ri’s webtoon. Ga Gyeong doesn’t even get the details out before he agrees to help, asking only how much he should pay. Ga Gyeong thanks him. Before she leaves, her husband asks her out for a trip to the races the following week. She declines the invite and heads to her own room.
Unicon dinner
Ta Mi and Cha Hyeon are sitting in a bar listening to the conversations of the Unicon artists. An argument breaks out between Kim Baek Jak and Go Do Ri.

Later in the bathroom, Ta Mi is recognized by Artist Jung Hee Jin. Ta Mi tells the principled artist that she knows money won’t be enough to draw her away from Unicon. Jung Hee Jin says that she needs to know what makes Barro a better company than Unicon.
Meanwhile, Cha Hyeon has followed artists Kim and Go outside. The argument between the artists becomes physical when Artist Kim punches Artist Go without provocation. Cha Hyeon rushes to defend Go Do Ri but also gets hit by Kim Baek Jak. Before she can retaliate, Ta Mi arrives and drags Cha Hyeon away.

Back in the car, Ta Mi calls in the assault knowing Artist Kim is unlikely to hit Artist Go again once there are witnesses. She tells Cha Hyeon to document any bruising from the hot she took, just in case.

Millim Sound
Kim Sun Woo tries to talk business with Park Morgan, but Morgan’s mind is only on Ta Mi and the fact she hasn’t called or answered any of his texts. Sun Woo realizes that his friend has got it pretty bad for Bae Ta Mi.

The next day
The top trending search is for Kim Baek Jak’s assault. The team at Barro discusses how to best use the fight to their advantage. Should they go after only the possible plagiarist, top artist Kim Baek Jak? Or should they leave him to Unicon and try to get both the second and third artists, Go Do Ri and Jung Hee Jin? Go Do Ri is straightforward, he wants money and recognition and a chance to show up Kim Baek Jak. Jung Hee Jin’s desires are more complicated though.

Five years ago, Jung Hee Jin held a solo protest again the working environment at Unicon for its webtoon artists. Tricks won’t work with her, Barro will have to show ethical treatment and loyalty to win Artist Jung over.
Tammy and Scarlett wait for the elevator while discussing the previous day’s assault. Kim Baek Jak is telling everyone that Go Do Ri had thrown the first punch and Scarlett is furious. The elevator doors open and in super slow motion and from multiple angles we see Lee Dong Wook exit the elevator.
He and Ta Mi stare at one another while Scarlett excuses herself. The two speak and it becomes clear that this is the ex-boyfriend from a 3 years ago. He is at Barro to deliver wedding invitations to his former workmates. Ta Mi congratulates him saying she knows that he has always wanted to get married.
Ta Mi’s former love tells her that he’s relieved to hear that she still has no desire to marry. He always suspected that she had simply not wanted to marry him specifically. Ta Mi accepts a wedding invitation and the two part ways.
Han Min Kyu’s apartment
Han Min Kyu answers the door and is surprised to find Oh Jin Woo standing there. He drops to his knees in apology to the older man.

But Oh Jin Woo is not there for apologies. The younger man continues to defend Song Ga Gyeong’s honour, saying that he liked her by himself. Oh Jin Woo isn’t bothered. He tells Han Min Kyu to be someone Ga Gyeong can depend on and to prepare for a movie role at the end of the year. When the young actor asks why Oh Jin Woo is being nice to him, Ga Gyeong’s husband answers that it’s because of pity.
The host bar
CEO Na and Director Song are conducting a business meeting at the host bar where she previously met Han Min Kyu. They discuss the Kim Baek Jak assault case and whether or not to suspend his webtoon for a while. Director Song argues against the suspension. She reasons that any controversy about the man’s personal life will blow over fast enough with the public.

The manager of the bar pops in to ask if they want the men brought in now. When he leaves, Director Song tells her boss that she no longer likes this bar and doesn’t want to meet there anymore.
Park Morgan is heading to a meeting when he sees Bae Ta Mi at the other side of the street. She waves and waits for him to cross the road.
She asks him out for a drink. At the cafe, Morgan asks if the fish tank is completely closed. He’d like to swim around a bit if it’s not. Ta Mi is surprised, but Morgan pouts that she has left him on read for 2 days with no contact. She says she’s been busy with work. He complains that for 2 days she didn’t think of him for a single second, and that’s not how you treat someone who is meaningful to you. Ta Mi apologizes and tells him that she will take better care of her fish in the future.
Makjang Mother-in-law break

Back to reality
In the office, Cha Hyeon gets a call telling her that artists Go Do Ri and Kim Baek Jak are fighting over social media. The two are both spreading their own version of the fight that occurred between them.
The next day
Kim Baek Jak has held a press conference and the tide of public opinion has turned in his favour. People believe his story that the younger artist Go Do Ri threw the first punch in a fit of jealousy. Because of this, Tammy thinks that Barro should try and get Kim Baek Jak working for them, but Scarlett disagrees.

Tammy says that Scarlett has the ability to live by her convictions, but she isn’t so free. To Tammy the only thing that matters is beating Unicon, she doesn’t have the time for convictions. Scarlett argues that Tammy’s conviction is that it’s fine to use whatever means necessary to win.

Go Do Ri’s Apartment
Scarlett heads to writer Go Do Ri’s apartment to try and talk to him and bring him over to Barro. She runs into Song Ga Gyeong who is also trying to meet with Go Do Ri. The meeting is awkward since they haven’t seen each other since the car was smashed. Song Ga Gyeong says she doesn’t want to talk about Go Do Ri and tries to set her friend’s heart at ease over the car.

Millim Music Studio
Bae Ta Mi sits in her car outside of Millim Music. Park Morgan finds her and calls her a stalker which doesn’t phase Ta Mi at all.

The two go for a drive and Ta Mi pours her heart out. She is still thinking about the things that Scarlett said to her about her principles. She goes on about her struggles for a while. She tells Morgan that she usually keeps these things to herself but now she has him to talk to. Then she realizes that Morgan is asleep in the seat next to her.

It turns out that Morgan isn’t actually asleep and has heard everything she said about his importance to her. He takes her hand as they continue to drive.

Cha Hyeon is taking a walk when she hears the commotion of someone being chased by the police. She tells herself not to step in, not to get involved. But ultimately it is not in her nature to let crime go unpunished.
But the criminal in question is no ordinary criminal and she has actually interrupted a scene from her favourite drama.
Cha Hyeon feels horrible for hurting the young actor and goes with him to the hospital to have his leg looked at. She vows to take responsibility for him. Seol Ji Hwan is hurt, but very happy to find out that there is someone out there who recognizes him.
Cha Hyeon can’t resist an opportunity to find out what is going on in the drama, but the actor refuses to divulge any spoilers. Undeterred, Cha Hyeon tries to give him her phone number so that he can call her if he needs anything. His phone takes the Barro employee by surprise though.
Mama Jang’s Art Studio

CEO Jang mixes business with pleasure as she tattoo’s a young man’s back while meeting with the CEO of Unicon. CEO Na reports to CEO Jang about the government asking for personal information from the company. CEO Jang tells her to play nice and then asks about her daughter-in-law. CEO Na attempts to ingratiate herself, making comments about Song Ga Gyeong, but CEO Jang makes it clear that the younger woman has crossed the line.

Makjang Mother-in-Law Break

In the hospital
Cha Hyeon pays to have Seol Ji Hwan moved to a private room in order to protect him from angry ahjumma fans. He tells her that her special treatment of him makes him feel like a real actor, like he has a fan.

On her way out of the hospital, Cha Hyeon gets a phone call from Bae Ta Mi. Tammy tells Scarlett not to go back to the office, but to meet her at a café instead.
At the cafe
Tammy has arranged a meeting with webtoon writer Go Do Ri. He recognizes Scarlett as the person who broke up the fight. Scarlett tells him that she will testify to what she saw that night and clear his name. Tammy welcomes the writer into the Barro fold. Outside Scarlett asks if Tammy will be satisfied with only bringing over Go Do Ri. Tammy says no, she has a bigger plan in mind.

We get a flashback to her meeting with Go Do Ri before Scarlett arrived. Tammy tells the writer her conditions for bringing the young man over to Barro.

He doesn’t understand the need to bury the other writer’s career. Tammy says that she needs to bring the idea thief to justice in order to fully attain her goal. When the news breaks, Tammy receives a phone call from Unicon’s 3rd top artist letting her know that her plan has worked perfectly.

At Unicon
Tammy and Scarlett meet with Song Ga Gyeong to discuss the termination of Go Do Ri’s contract with Unicon. They offer that Barro will pay the penalty to break the contract. Song Ga Gyeong accepts, but on one condition.
Final thoughts:
You just knew that Song Ga Gyeong wasn’t going to just give Tammy whatever she wanted that easily. I love how good these women are at their jobs. It’s a blessing to get to see competent women getting the job done.
On a personal note, I’m currently watching Extra-Ordinary You and just realized where the Dried Squid Fairy looks familiar from… its the same actor who plays writer Go Do Ri in this drama! Wonder if he’s writing a high school story about a sick teenager with a heart condition?